Conference [11]

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Trigger Warnings: Extreme Cuteness

[March, 2006]

<Peter's Age: 4>

Third Person

"Are you ready, bud?" Tony asked his son. He adjusted the kid's tie. Peter was practically looking like a mini version of Tony, just with lighter hair. He had a suit on, that matched Tony's, along with a pair of Tony's sunglasses adjusted to fit his face.

Suddenly the door of the limo opened. The driver had walked around to open it for the two. Tony stepped out first, then helped Peter out. The boy scooted out of the vehicle, grabbing onto Tony's hand instantly.

White flashes filled Peter's vision, along with clicks of cameras being used. Tony was entering a conference with Peter by his side, his way of announcing his son's existence to the world. The flashes from the photography made the boy a little uneasy, causing his grip on Tony's hand to tighten a little bit. He walked a bit closer to Tony as well.

Tony suddenly stopped in his tracks, then knelt down to Peter's level, all while being bombarded with camera flashes and questions from reporters. "Do you want up?" He asked Peter, realizing that the boy was a bit scared.

Peter nodded, letting Tony lift him up into his arms as the adult stood up. After Peter was situated, he continued walking down towards the building, keeping his head held high. Peter began waving at the people who cleared a path for Stark, receiving a couple of waves in return. He giggled, not feeling too scared anymore.

When they finally entered the building, the loud sounds were muffled as soon as the doors closed behind them. Professional looking people ushered Tony and Peter inside a room, where he could hear someone's voice echoing from the speakers.

"This is backstage," Tony whispered to his son as he set him down on the ground. "I'm about to have a mic placed on me, so I'm going to have to let go of your hand, okay?" He informed Peter.

The boy nodded, letting go of Tony. He watched as a professional looking man walked up to Tony, putting something down the back of his shirt and then clipping something else to the collar of his suit. He then shoved something in Tony's pocket. "Test?" He asked Stark.

"Testing," Tony repeated.

The man stood there for a few moments, then nodded. "You're all set," He told him before walking away. 

The voice that seemed to echo from the speakers suddenly announced something. "Now, let's welcome Tony Stark and his new son!" Claps were heard behind the black curtain.

Tony suddenly snatched Peter off of the ground, carrying the boy in his arms as he walked through the curtains. The claps became louder and cheers were heard as Peter was blinded by the stage lights. Feeling a bit shy and overwhelmed, Peter shoved his face into Tony's chest to try and hide from the crowd.

"Hello hello," Tony greeted. Peter heard his father's voice boom across the audience, making the connection that Stark's mic must be the cause. "There has been many rumors stating that Steve and I have adopted a kid, and little Peter is here to confirm those theories."

The audience clapped more, cheering. Tony leaned into Peter's ear. "Don't worry, you can look, they can't hurt you," He whispered, keeping his voice low so the mic wouldn't pick it up. Peter slowly revealed his face, causing the audience to clap even more and cheer louder.

Once they died down, Tony continued. "We adopted four year old Peter about a year and a half ago, ever since he's been a happy boy," He informed everyone. "Actually, several months ago he got his haircut to be just like his Dada's. Isn't that right, squirt?"

Peter nodded shyly, listening to the crowd erupt with "awh"s.

Tony chuckled. "He's a little shy right now, normally he's a lot more enthusiastic with things." Tony continued the conference after that, talking about boring things that Peter didn't really listen to. The boy just stayed in Tony's arms the whole time, switching from arm to arm whenever one became too tired.

Eventually the conference was over, and as Tony walked away with Peter, the child waving to the audience as a goodbye.

After Tony's mic was removed and Peter's hair was inspected and approved, Tony and Peter left the building holding hands. Now Peter had a lot more confidence as he walked beside his father, smiling and waving at cameramen as he strutted past.

The driver already had the limo door open for the two, and Tony let Peter get in first before he scooted in beside him. Shutting the door, Tony flashed Peter a smile.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" He asked his kid.

Peter smiled. "Again?"

Tony laughed and shook his head. "Not for a while, buddy. Not for a while."

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