Wookada [8]

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Trigger Warnings: Strong Language

[Febraury, 2005]

<Peter's Age: 3>

Third Person

The Avengers decided that Peter needed more friends. Not a friend like Clint, but a friend his own age. They all knew that Shuri and him had good chemistry, so they did the surprising.

"Peter, we're going to Wakanda," Tony told the boy, sitting on Peter's bed next to him.

"Wookada?" Peter asked in reply.

"Yes, Wookada," Tony repeated with a laugh.

"Badass," Peter blurted.

Tony started laughing really hard. Once he calmed down he looked at his boy. "Peter, we can't say that, Cappa will get upset," He told the kid. Tony had already received the 'no swearing' talk from Steve plenty of times, he didn't want to go through it again.

"Cappa?" Peter questioned, thinking for a moment. "Cappa come Wookada?"

Tony shook his head. "Nope, it's just you, me, and Bucky," He told the boy. "Listen, it's very lucky that we were even allowed to go to this place. It's a very important and hidden location that not many people know about. So this very may be the only time in your life where you'll go here. Which sucks because you might not remember it when you're older," Stark explained with a sigh. "Let's just enjoy it while we can."

Peter hopped off of his bed. "Wookada!!!" He shrieked, webbing the ceiling and swinging around the room with excitement.

"Careful Pete," Tony warned.

Apollo, who was laying on the bed next to Peter, hopped down from the bed and began to bark at Peter. "Oh Poh!" Peter squealed, trying to say the dog's name. He dropped to the ground and was attacked by licks from the puppy.

"This is too cute for me, I'm leaving," Tony mumbled, standing up and leaving Peter's room.

———>Time Skippity doo dah<———

Around a week later, Peter, Tony, and Bucky were on a private jet on their way to the secret country. Peter was loving it, playing games on his portable hologram that was built inside his watch. 

"Peter, come look at this," Tony eventually said, patting his lap. Peter scooted off of his seat and waddled over to Tony, where he picked the boy up and placed him on his lap. Stark was sitting at a window seat, so Peter peaked out the window.

They seemed to be flying into no where, but suddenly a blue light flashed and they zoomed into what looked to be a hole in a forcefield. Then there was a city.

"Wookada!" Peter gasped, pressing his face up against the window to get a better view. They landed within the city, getting a ground view. Peter was squealing when the door opened on the jet.

T'Challa was approaching them with a few warriors with him, one of them being Okoye. Shuri was hobbling behind him, giggling with glee. Once Peter spotted her, he raced right out of the jet and practically tackled Shuri to the ground. "Peetah!" She squeaked.

"Shooree!" Peter replied with a giggle. The two stood up, letting out shrieks of happiness as they started clapping to themselves.

"Your child is adorable," Bucky muttered to Tony as they approached T'Challa.

"Old friend," T'Challa greeted Bucky, shaking his hand.

"New friend," Tony said jokingly as he approached the prince. 

"I'm glad you came, my sister seems very happy with your child," T'Challa told Tony in his Wakandan accent. 

Meanwhile, Peter was chasing Shuri around, while she dove between the legs of adults. Peter squealed, shooting a web towards her. He missed, since he wasn't very good at aiming yet. "Shooree!" He whined, but he was still smiling, stumbling towards his friend.

"Yep. She's like his only friend, so we're happy to have come," Tony replied to T'Challa as he watched his son let out a coo of happiness.

"How about a tour?" T'Challa offered.

"Sounds good."

Okoye decided to take Shuri and Peter to the lakeshore, where they could play together without disrupting the city. They spent the rest of the day doing that, just splashing each other and running around in the shallows of the water. By the time the sun was setting, Peter was worn out.

Okoye ended up carried the children back, since they were too tired to even walk. Peter in her right arm, Shuri in her left, the two fell asleep before they made it back to the private jet.

Tony and Bucky were waiting there when Okoye arrived. "Thank you," Tony murmured to the warrior as she handed sleeping Peter to him.

"No problem," She whispered in return with her Wakandan accent.

Tony brought Peter back into the jet, sitting down with the boy on his lap. He let the kid sleep the whole ride back, knowing it had been a long day for the child.

A/N: my parents are coming home today *dab*

my brother and i have been home alone for a few days because my parents go on business trips a lot *whip*, hence the constant updates on my part lol

i love you all, hope you enjoyed the storyyy<3

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