Haircut [10]

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[October, 2005]

<Peter's Age: 4>

Third Person

"Oh man, your hair is getting pretty long, kid," Tony commented, touching Peter's hair.

(long like peter's hair in infinity war lmao)

Clint immediately hopped off the couch and onto his feet. "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" He exclaimed. Everyone gave him a strange look. "I mean... I can take Peter to get a hair cut because nobody will recognize me," Clint corrected himself.

Soon enough, Peter and Clint were sitting in one of Tony's sports cars, bumping to Gold Digger by Kanye West. It was the clean version, of course. "Get down girl go 'head get down!" Clint sang out, with Peter baby-mumbling along.

People stared, wondering how a bachelor and a random child got their hands on a sports car. "I ant sawen she a cold tigger!" Peter screamed, when the actual line was 'I ain't sayin she a gold digger'.

Eventually they pulled up to the hair cut place. Clint took the keys out of the car, so Gold Digger stopped blasting out onto the streets. He grabbed Peter, stepping out and walking into SportClips.

Clint walked up to the front desk. "One for little Peter here," He told the lady. She looked at Clint, then looked at Peter, then looked at Clint again.

"Awh, how old is he?" She asked him. The girl had her blonde hair up in a pony tail, with a pink bow in the side of it. She also had a friendly sticker on her shirt, and bright pink lipstick. She gave off the 'I love children' vibes. Other than that, she was pretty attractive overall.

Clint smiled. "Tell her, Pete," He murmured into the boy's ear.

"I'm four!" Peter yelled excitedly, holding up three fingers.

"One more finger bud," Clint whispered.

Peter put up another finger.

"There you go!" He told him excitedly. "Yeah, Peter is four years old." Barton seemed very smiley around this girl. "I'm Clint, by the way," He added.

The girl grinned. "I'm Rachel. Peter seems adorable," She commented. "Okay, a chair should open up in the next few minutes, go ahead and have a seat in the waiting area."

Clint nodded. "Nice meeting you," He made sure to tell her, then started to walk away.

"Rachel!" Peter squealed.

"Yes, her name is Rachel," Clint informed the boy, tickling his stomach. He bust out into a fit of giggles.

"Uncle Clint!" He whined, but his face showed pure joy.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop," Clint offered, taking a seat. "What kind of hairstyle do you want?" He asked the boy.

Peter looked lost in thought for a moment. Then his eyes lit up, signifying that he knew his answer. "Dada's!" He exclaimed.

Clint raised an eyebrow. "You want Tony's haircut?" He asked with surprise.

Peter nodded.

Clint shrugged. "He does have a nice haircut," He agreed. "Okay, you can get his haircut."

"Yay!" Peter shrieked. 

They waited a few minutes before Rachel finally called out. "Peter?" Clint stood up, setting Peter on the ground. Peter reached up and grabbed his hand, and together they walked over to Rachel.

"He wants his hair to look like Tony Stark's haircut," Clint told her.

"Awh!" Rachel cooed, then kneeled down to Peter's height. "You want to be just like Iron Man, don't you?" She asked in an enthusiastic voice.

Peter nodded. "I wan be Dada," He informed her.

Rachel stood up and looked at Clint with a raised eyebrow. Clint did a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah... uh..." He cleared his throat. "Please don't say anything?" He asked her.

She just smiled. "I've cut a celebrity's hair before, it's no big deal," She told him.

Clint nodded. "It's just... it's not public information yet," He explained.

Rachel grinned. "I understand. So you work for Tony Stark?" 

Clint's eyes widened. "Hell no." Then he covered his mouth. "Excuse my language," He added. "I'm just one of his good friends, that's all."

As much as people knew that Hawkeye existed, not many people knew what he looked like. He really only did private missions that occasionally involved the Avengers, but luckily no big events have happened yet where he's had to reveal his face to the public. It would ruin his whole undercover job if he did that, so he's been keeping it on the low.

"That's cool," Rachel commented. "Okay Peter, come on... let's go make you look just like Dada," She told the boy, reaching out and grabbing his hand. She lead him over to a chair, where she lifted him up and seated him.

The actual haircut took around fifteen minutes, a small head but totally different style of hair. Fortunately, when Peter looked in the mirror he let out a squeal of happiness. "Dada!" He exclaimed.

"I'm glad you like it," Rachel replied, helping Peter off of the chair and watching the boy run to Clint.

"Oh my goodness! I thought you were your dad!" Clint exclaimed when he saw Peter, patting the boy's shoulder.

Peter let out a squeak of joy. The archer lifted the boy into his arms, walking back over to the front desk where Rachel was. He took out his credit card and handed it to her. She smiled, swiping it. She told him the total, and he nodded. Clint then grabbed a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to her. Rachel smiled when he gave it to him. "My number," He informed her.

Rachel nodded. "Thanks," She replied, then handed them the receipt. "Have a good day."

Clint walked out of the barber shop, victorious.

When they got home, Peter immediately ran into the living room towards Tony. "Dada!" He shrieked, jumping onto his lap.

"Woah! Hey squirt," Tony greeted. "Looking sharp!"

"I wook wike you, Dada!" He squealed, rubbing his nose against Tony's just like Natasha taught him.

Tony laughed. "Yeah you do, you look fresh like Dada too," He added.

Peter squeaked, then hugged his father. 

A/N: I just watched Shazam, it's a good movie even though it's DC. I would recommend it

Thoughts on Rachel?

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