Halloween [4]

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Trigger Warnings: Alcohol Use, Strong Language 

[October, 2004]

<Peter's Age: 3>

Third Person

Throughout the day of Halloween, Peter had run around in his Iron Man costume, occasionally fake shooting at Avengers and stopping to be fed candy by Clint, even though Steve kept telling Peter to not have any more candy. Peter was having a blast.

It was towards the end of the day that Peter was bummed. Tony was throwing a huge celebrity Halloween party on the Party & Bar floor of Avengers Tower. He was left behind in his room with Banner.

Banner was reading to Peter about some story where a girl makes out with a frog, but the boy was totally uninterested. The kid just sucked on a sucker as he drowned out Banner's voice, making web designs on the ceiling with his wrist. The designs weren't very good, since he was only 3 years old.

"Then the frog turned into a prince..." Banner told Peter drowsily, on the verge of falling asleep. Peter was attempting to make a spider with his webs, but it ended up looking more like a blob. Peter didn't really care, he loved using his imagination.

Suddenly Banner's voice faded. Peter looked over to notice that the scientist had fallen asleep. He slipped out of bed, waddling towards the door and stood there for two minutes trying to figure out how a doorknob worked. Eventually, the door popped open after he twisted it enough, in which he let out a squeak of victory.

Peter hobbled down the hallway, squealing with delight when he spotted the elevator. He had always loved that thing, the motion feeling when it began to go up or down. It made him giggle.

He hit the button, opening the doors and stumbling in. Then he admired all the buttons by hovering his finger over every single one. He felt a tingle when he hovered his finger over a specific button, so he pressed that one.

Peter felt the elevator jolt, then begin to move. He burst into a fit of giggles, falling down to the floor on purpose and standing back up again. He was bummed when the elevator stopped moving, but when the doors opened up he was filled with excitement again.

Loud music blasted from this floor. The lights were off, yet lots of colorful lights were flashing everywhere. People filled the room, drinking out of wine glasses and beer bottles. Peter was drown to the yellow light in the corner, which was the bar.

The boy waddled out of the elevator, making his way to the yellow light when he noticed a coffee table low enough to reach. He hobbled towards the table, noticing a glass with red liquid inside. Not knowing any better, he poured the liquid into his mouth, spilling it all over his Halloween costume in the process.

On accident, Peter dropped the glass while doing so, it making a loud shatter on the ground. The music was so loud that nobody heard, but the boy felt really bad for breaking something that wasn't his.

That's when Peter began to feel woozy, darkness enveloping his vision and he stumbled more as he walked. Eventually he just fell to the ground since he still wasn't a stable walker. He let out a cry before passing out completely.

Elon Musk was the one who ended up finding the boy's body on the floor. Unsure of what to do, the celebrity lifted him up and carried him to the bar. "Excuse me," He said over the counter, grabbing the bartender's attention.

The bartender was actually Natasha, since she was never a fan of getting drunk. Her eyes widened when she saw Peter in Elon's arms. "Where did you get him?" She asked Musk, taking him from the genius's arms.

"He was passed out on the ground, next to a broken wine glass," Elon informed her.

Natasha's eyes widened anymore. "Thank you!" She told him, then left the bar immediately, looking for Tony. She found the hero on a couch, drunkenly talking about his projects to a girl named Pepper. "Tony!" Natasha snapped.

He looked up at her drowsily. "Ah, you're too fucking drunk," She scowled, looking around for Steve. She found him talking with Bucky, extremely sober. "Steve!" She called. The captain turned his head her way. "Your kid got into alcohol! We have to take him to the ER!"

Steve immediately rushed towards where Natasha was standing, taking Peter out of her arms. "Let's go," He told her racing out of Avengers Tower.

They made it to the hospital in a few minutes, using the speed of one of Tony's sports cars to their advantage. They practically threw Peter at one of the nurses, desperate for him to be saved. As soon as they took him into a room, the nurses made Steve and Natasha stay in the waiting room.

"Is he going to be okay?!" Steve asked desperately.

The nurse just gave an assuring smile and left them in the waiting room with questions still yet to be answered.

A/N: sorry for the angsty chapter, just needed to add some drAMa

i'm debating if i want to add loki in this and have him be an angsty teen that sort of torments peter, but at the same time adores peter

what do y'all think

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