Sober Up [5]

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Trigger Warnings: Alcohol References, Strong Language

[October, 2004]

<Peter's Age: 3>

Third Person

After the procedure, the nurses let Natasha and Steve into the room. Peter was laying unconscious on a hospital bed, his finger hooked up to a pulse oximetry, his body hooked up to a heart beat monitor. Thankfully the boy's heart beat was at a normal pulse.

The nurses explained to the adults that if they came in a minute later, Peter would've had eternal brain damage. According to the doctors, his small body isn't built to handle a quarter glass of alcohol, none the less a full glass. They've had cases where four year olds have died from drinking their parent's rum.

Steve spent at least five minutes just thanking the doctors and nurses for saving his baby. Natasha just smiled at him as he spoke to them. "Thank you so much, my baby is alive because of you."

The nurses had also explained that Peter would have to stay overnight at the hospital, since there were still some traces of alcohol on him. Nothing dangerous, it was just a safety measure.

Steve and Natasha stayed the whole night, sleeping in Peter's room, waking up every once in a while to see if the boy woke up.

[November, 2004] (since the night before was october 31st, the last day of october)

It was 7am when Tony sobered up enough to come to the hospital. Steve woke up to a call from Tony saying that he was on his way.

Steve was waiting outside Peter's hospital room by the time Tony arrived. Steve slapped Tony in the back of the head. "You dumbass!" He snapped at him.

Tony winced. "Ow! Watch the super strength," He replied, rubbing his head. "I'm still hungover, go easy on me."

"That's the point, you were drunk when Peter almost died!" Steve exclaimed.

"Oh my God, is he okay?" Tony asked sincerely, trying to step past Steve and enter Peter's room.

Steve stopped him in his tracks. "No thanks to you," He snapped back.

Tony glared at his boyfriend. "Are you fucking serious? You aren't letting me see my child because I was drunk at a party. That's what you're supposed to do at parties!" He exclaimed.

"Our child," Steve corrected. "And you were drunk at a party that shouldn't have happened in the first place. We're raising a kid, Tony. We can't be partying like we're still in college."

"Well, Bruce was supposed to be watching him! What the hell was I supposed to do?!"

In the hospital room, Peter stirred from the argument happening out in the hall. The boy realized that Natasha was kneeling by his bed, holding his hand. "Auntie Tasha?" He asked innocently.

"Yes?" She replied in a soft voice, trying to be gentle to reassure the child.

"Why Dada and Cappa yellin?" Peter asked, rubbing his eyes.

"They're just..." Nat paused, trying to find the right words. "Figuring out something."

Peter let out a big yawn. "Oh," He replied simply. "I'm go night night," He told Natasha. "You go night night?"

Nat smiled. "Sure, I'll go night night."

Peter giggled. "Night night."

Natasha rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb. "Goodnight, Peter."

Back outside of the room, Tony finally felt sorry. "I'm sorry I got fucking drunk, I should get over my petty problem and suck it up," He admitted to Steve.

Steve nodded. "Okay, thank you," He replied. "Do you promise not to throw any more parties while Peter is home?"

Tony smiled. "I promise," He assured his boyfriend, pulling him in for a deep kiss. "Can I visit our child, now?" He asked.

Steve sighed, stepping to the side and letting Tony enter the room. His mouth made an 'O' at the sight.

Peter was sound asleep on his bed, breathing at a slow and calm pace. He was holding Natasha's hand, who was kneeling next to the bed and singing a song very quietly into his ear. Tony wasn't sure what the song was since it was in Russian, but he still adored it anyways.

"Thank you Natasha," He told her in a soft voice.

She looked up, pausing her song. "Look who sobered up," She commented, standing up and walking towards the doorway. "Since you two are here for Peter now, I'm going to head home and get some rest."

"Okay, see you Nat," Steve whispered as she left.

Tony and Steve each pulled up a chair to either side of Peter's bed, sitting there in silence and watching their boy sleep. The situation was surprisingly peaceful for the both of them.

A/N: here's another chapter for my children -Mama Fox Lily

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