Four Years [9]

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[August, 2005]

<Peter's Age: 4>

Third Person

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Peter, happy birthday to you!" Peter blew as hard as he could, blowing out all four candles on his cake. The Avengers cheered, Tony lifting Peter up into his arms.

"One two fwee four!" Peter exclaimed, pointing at each candle.

"Oh my goodness! My little genius!" Tony exclaimed, giving Peter a kiss on the cheek. Peter let out a giggle, then scratched his chin against Tony's beard.

"Have you guys taught him to Eskimo kiss?" Natasha asked Tony as Steve started cutting the cake.

"What is that?" Tony asked as he dipped his finger in the frosting of the cake and placed it in his mouth. Peter mimicked him.

Natasha grabbed Peter from Tony, then rubbed her nose with the boy's. Peter giggled, rubbing her nose with his as well. "When you rub noses. Eskimo kiss," Natasha told Tony, handing the boy back to him. Peter rubbed his nose against Tony's immediately.

"Wow, now he's going to be doing this all day," Tony commented.

"It's cute," Natasha replied, then grabbed a piece of cake and walked away.

"Do you want some cake, little man?" Tony asked Peter. The boy nodded. "Okay." He grabbed a plate of cake and walked over to the side of the counter with stools. He set Peter down on a stool, setting the slice of cake down in front of the boy.

"Fowk!" Peter exclaimed. Tony grabbed a fork and gave it to Peter.

"Okay Pete, I'm going to talk to the old people now, you okay sitting by yourself?" Tony asked, and Peter nodded. "Okay! I'm going to talk to grown ups."

Tony walked away and Peter scooped cake into his mouth. He heard Apollo whine, so he gave some cake to the puppy as well. It was too bad that Shuri was busy a lot, since that meant she couldn't visit Peter that much. The thing is, Peter's only seen the girl two times in his entire life, and yet she was his only friend his age.

She couldn't even make it to his birthday.

Peter didn't care though, since he was only four. He was happy in the moment, and that's all that mattered. Scooping cake into his mouth, petting Apollo and making coo noises occasionally. After Peter finished his cake, he wanted more. When the grown ups weren't looking he webbed a plate of a cake slice, and it slid across the counter towards him. He began eating off of this cake as well.

Becoming bored halfway through eating this slice, he decided to try out some stuff. "Jarvis?" He asked in as deep of a grown up voice as possible.

"Yes, Peter?" The robotic voice answered.

"I'm bored," Peter complained in a whiney baby voice after realizing Jarvis had recognized him.

"Would you like me to tell you a joke?" Jarvis offered.

Peter brightened up. "Yes please!" He exclaimed politely.

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"

"Noble gas."

"Knob all gas who?"

"Never mind, I guess all my friends Argon."

Peter frowned. "I don't get it!" He whined. Apollo put his paws on the counter and began to lick at Peter's slice of cake.

"Argon is a noble gas," Jarvis explained.

Peter still had a confused expression on his face. Apollo knocked the plate on the ground, causing it to shatter. The Avengers all turned their heads towards the sound, and Peter started to cry. Not because Apollo broke his plate, but because Jarvis made him feel stupid.

"Apollo!" Steve scolded, grabbing the puppy's collar and dragging him away from the mess. Tony scooped Peter off of the stool, letting Banner step forward and begin to clean up the scattered pieces.

"It's okay Pete," Tony told the boy, rubbing his back as he sniffled on his dad's shoulder.

"Argon is-is a knob all g-gas," Peter stuttered out.

Tony raised his eyebrows, pulling his boy away from his shoulder to look at him in the face. "Now where did you learn that?" He questioned. Peter just gave a small smile and a sniffle. "Steve! Did you hear that? Our boy is spitting science facts! I knew he was a Dada's boy," He called.

Steve turned and frowned. "Oh yeah? Well the next child we're getting is going to be a girl, and you're not invited to the tea parties!" He exclaimed.

Tony furrowed his eyebrows. "When are we going to get a girl?" He asked with seriousness.

Steve shrugged. "Probably not until Peter is older. Old enough to care for himself at least," He told his boyfriend.

Tony smiled. "I can't wait then."

A/N: this man at perkins thought my brother and i were a couple... anna oup 

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