Family Picnic [12]

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[July, 2006]

<Peter's Age: 4>

Third Person

The Avengers were all hanging out outside. There was an area outside of the Tower that was a private garden, with a patio and long lengths of grass. On the stone patio, there were a bunch of lawn chairs set up. Out on the grass there was a grill next to a foldout table. The garden attracted plenty of butterflies, making the scene look very calming and peaceful.

Steve was grilling something out on the grill, while Peter chased Apollo who was chasing butterflies. Natasha was putting sunscreen on Banner, who was giving a rant about how dangerous sun rays could be. Sam and Bucky were sitting on the lawn chairs arguing about whether or not the sun causes cancer, which was triggered by Banner's rant. Clint was sunbathing, sprawled out across the lawn chair in nothing but shorts and sunglasses. Tony was "supervising" as he called it, where he made sure Peter was playing safe with Apollo.

It's been over a year now, the dog is fully grown to it's size already. So Peter playing with the puppy made Tony a bit nervous, causing him to watch the boy's every move.

Apollo jumped up, biting at a butterfly that flew just out of reach. Peter giggled, diving for the puppy, but Apollo started running as he did so. Peter landed on the ground with a squeal, then stood himself back up again, brushing himself off and started to run again with a squeak of joy.

"Tough kid," Thor commented, who was standing next to Steve with a beer in his hands. "Not a tear shed. Puny human has a brave heart."

Steve smiled. "That's Peter for you. He's ran straight into walls before and he always ends up laughing it off. I guess the quote 'laughter is the best medicine' stays true to him," He told Thor as he watched Peter fall down again. The boy got back up after a fit of giggles, running at Apollo once more.

Eventually Peter just webbed the dog's back, launching himself onto the puppy and tackling the golden retriever to the ground. The kid laughed so hard his face turned red, and Apollo began to attack Peter's face with a bunch of licks. "Apollo!" He squealed, petting the dog's ears.

Clint suddenly sat up from his sunbathing session. "Hey guys?" He called to everyone. The Avengers all looked his way. "Do you mind if I invite my girlfriend over? She won't freak out, she's used to celebrities. I already told her that I'm Hawkeye and stuff, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Is she hot?" Sam asked, receiving a slap on his arm from Bucky. "Ow!" He exclaimed, glaring at the winter soldier.

Clint shrugged. "I find her attractive," He declared.

Peter let out a loud squeal, gathering the attention of most of The Avengers. Apollo had now found a toad, and was chasing it around. Peter was stumbling after his dog, trying to grab his wagging tail.

"Hot dogs are ready," Steve announced, grabbing them off of the grill with tongs and placing them on a plate. He set the plate on the foldout table along with a bag of hot dog buns.

The Avengers stood up, making their way over to the table. Tony snatched Peter off of the ground, carrying him over to where the food was. The father got his hands on two plates, but a hotdog and a bun on one plate and just a hot dog on the other. Walking back to the lawn chairs after he grabbed a fork and ketchup bottle, he set the plates down. On the first plate, he put the hotdog in the bun and squirted ketchup on top. On the second plate, he cut up the hot dog with the fork and then put ketchup on the side. He handed Peter the second plate.

The boy began stabbing pieces of the hot dog, dipping it and ketchup and shoving it into his mouth. It was a little messy, but cute none the less. Apollo made his way over to Tony and Peter and laid down in the sun next to the lawn chair.

Tony lifted Peter onto his lap, holding the plate to the side of the boy. The kid had his own plate on his lap. "Great hot dogs," Banner complimented as he chewed the food. Steve smiled in return, grabbing his own and sitting down next to Tony. He kissed his boyfriend on the cheek.

After everyone finished eating, a girl walked into the scene. Peter recognized her. "Rachel!" He squealed.

Clint stood up, smiling at his girlfriend as he kissed and hugged her. "Everyone, this is Rachel. I met her at a barber shop with Peter," He explained. She smiled and waved at everyone.

"You don't have to introduce yourselves, I know who you all are," Rachel stated the obvious. "Even little Peter over there. Hi!" She said enthusiastically, waving back at the boy who had ketchup on his chin.

Steve licked his thumb and swiped the ketchup off of Peter, grabbing the boy's empty plate and tossing it in the garbage. Apollo stood up and began to lick Peter's fingers.

"Cute dog, what's it's name?" Rachel asked Tony as she approached Apollo. She pet the puppy.

"His name is Apollo," Tony informed her.

"Cute," Rachel commented. Then she looked around at the scene. "You guys seem like a very happy family."

"We're a family, that's for sure."

A/N: We have a new cross country coach and he's mean

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