||01- 23 days 5 hours & 22 seconds||

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I look in the mirror my eyes red and weary from tears. Heavy bags forming under my eyes. I look down at the stainless-steel sink.

"Wanna join my pity party. Please join me we have free chips and salsa?" I wisecracked.

My husband stands in front of me hands dug into his pockets with a solemn look on his now clean-shaven face.

He brings me in for a comforting embrace. I lay my head on his chest listening to the steady almost content sound of his heartbeat.

"Are you okay?" he asks with concern in he's voice.

"Just peachy." I jibbed.

"Charlie I know you-"

"Please save the I know you miss them speech I heard a thousand times." I snapped as I turn my back to him.

Steve sighs.

"I'm sorry. It's that I'm trying to keep it together, but I can't" my voice cracks and a tear trickles down my cheek. Steve places he's hand on my cheek wiping away my escaped tears.

Suddenly our surroundings begin to rumble.

"What the hell?" I muttered.

Steve and I quickly rush outside the compound everyone else later joins us. 

We watch as a colossal spaceship carried by a glowing figure swings around the compound and lands the ship to the ground. The glowing figure light deems revealing Carol. I smile seeing an old friend.

The ship doors descend as a blue-skinned woman dressed in leather leads a weak and feeble Tony down the steps.

Steve rushes to his friend's side.

"I couldn't stop him." Tony pants.

"Neither could I." Steve said.

They stop and share a troubled gaze." I lost the kid."

My heart dropped when Tony spoke. I thought if anything the kid would make it.

Pepper rushes to Tony' side. the couple shares a long-awaited embrace.


"It's been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth." Rhodes told the team.

Projected holographic images of missing appear before us.

I stare glossy eyes at images of lost friend and family. I see Tony shudder at the image of Peter Parker.

Tony sat in wheelchair eyes bloodshot heavy bags under his eyes. His body scrawny anemic from lack of substance. The rob he wears barely clinging on the little bit of skin on his body.

"World government are in pieces. The parts that are still working are trying to take cease and it looks like he did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped about fifty percent of all living creatures." Natasha explains.

"Where is he now?' Tony uttered.

"We don't know. He just opened a portal and walked through." Steve told the genius.

"What wrong with him?" Tony points to the God of Thunder. The God hangs his head in repentance.

"Oh, he's pissed. He thinks he failed. Which of course he did but there's a lot of that going around ain't there." The raccoon known as Rocket spoke.

"That's for the vote of confidence furball." I snapped at the woodland creature.

"Honestly until this exact moment I thought you were a build a bear." Tony wisecracked.

Unite-Endgame(Steve Rogers)-BOOK6Where stories live. Discover now