||02-In the words of the great Dr. Emmett Brown. Great Scott!||

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Five Years Later

"Remember to breath. Focus. You don't want to throw all your energy into one punch and get tired." I educated.

Sawyer and I circle each other trying to anticipate each other's assaults.

"Remember if I win no dishes for a month." She grins.

"That's only if you win." I jibbed.

I throw a few combinations of jabs and kicks. She manages to deflect.

"Good." I complimented.

She grins and shrugs her shoulders.

"Don't get cocky." I warned. We get back to fighting stance. we trade swift movement blocking each other attacks.  I kick from under her feet sending her to the ground.

She lays on the ground chest heaving." Дерьмо!" Shit!

"Язык молодой леди!" I glared sternly. Language young lady!

"Прости мама." She says.Sorry Mom.

I offer my hand. She reciprocates and I help her to her feet.

"You know one day I'm gonna beat you." She said between heavy breathes before taking a drink of water.

I place my hand on her shoulder." Not in the lifetime honey."

"Did you beat grandma?" she asks. I reflect on the memory with a slight smile and choke back tears.

"Once." I said. I softly smile.

"Do you miss her and grandpa?" She asks.

I sigh and wrap my arms around her shoulders. "Everyday."

I let out deep exhale. "But hey! As much as I want to stroll down memory lane. I need to make dinner."

We make our way from the garage to the house.

"Mommy!" my son squealed whilst dashing towards me and jumps into my arms.

I lift him off the ground and kiss his cheeks. "How's my little Sammy."

"Good." He said with a cheeky smile.

"How was training?" Steve asks Sawyer.

"I lost." Sawyer grumbled while fiddling with her fingers.

"What was the bet this time?" Steve asks.

"No dishes for a month." She replied.

He wraps his arms around Sawyer's shoulder." Don't be upset baby girl. You'll beat her one day."

"Why can't I train with you. At least you pull your punches!" She exclaims.

I snicker. Steve glares at me.

"I don't pull my punches." He grumbles.

"Yeah, you do babe." I uttered. Sawyer chuckles at her father's embarrassment.

"Mommy when can I start training?" my six-year son asks.

"When your sister graduates from med school." I wisecracked.

"Who says I'm going to med school?" Sawyer quipped.

"It's neither that or you become a lawyer so when your father does something stupid you defend him in court." I jibbed. I hand her, her brother.

"Now wash up. Dinners in an hour."

"Come on Sammy." She and Sam head upstairs.

Steve approaches me. he wraps his arms around my waist. We lean in until I foreheads touch.

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