||06- this takes blast from the past to a whole new level||

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"Clearly you weren't born here." Tony says as we walk around a military base.

We found some clothes so we could blend in.

"The idea of me was." Steve told.

"Right. Well, imagine you're SHIELD. Running a quasi-fascistic intelligence organization where do you hide it?" Tony asks.

"In plain sight." Steve nods towards the bunker up head.

We head towards the bunker and take the elevator. We stood in silence while a woman observes us.

"Good luck on your mission, Captain. Miss." Tony told in a monotone voice and takes his leave.

"Good luck with your project doctor." He said.

"You guys new here?" the women ask.

"Not exactly." Steve replied.

She nods and glances back at her file. Then glance at us one more time.

We leave the elevator. I reach a phone and call dr. Pym office.

"Hello?" he said.

"Hello Doctor Pym, this is Mrs. Stevens from shipping we have a package for you." I said.

"Oh, bring it up." He said.

"That's the thing sir. We can't." I said.

"I'm confused. I thought that was your job."

"Well, it's just that the box seems to be glowing and to be honest some of our mail guys aren't feeling to well." I said.

"Uh yeah, they did. You better get down here." I said. the phone hangs up and we watch a young Hank Pym run out of his office pushing and shoving his way down the hall.

"просто детская игра." I grinned. Mere child's play.

We waited until the cost was clear.

"Okay go I got this covered." I told Steve.

He nods and enters Dr. Pym's lab.

"and you never seen these two men and women before?" I hear and MP ask I look down the hall and saw the women from the elevator and military police.

"о сладкие грибы шиитаке." I mutterd. Oh sweet shitake mushrooms.

"No, I've an eye for this the three of them looked fishy." She said.

I take cover in a nearby office. a small shriek erupted taking me by surprise.

Both of us took a moment to let the mini heart attack subside.

"Oh, I'm so sorry all this door look-alike I got lost." I lied.

"Oh, it's okay." She said between breaths her hand on her chest.

I look at the women. Then my mind was taken back to the photo that hanged in this bunker in the future. I was complete dumfounded.

"You are-, Your,- Your Peggy Cater." I stammer.

"Yes, have we met before?" She asks.

"Oh no, I'm new.  I've heard a lot about you. Your time during the war." I said.

"What's your name?" she asks.

I took a moment to come with an answer. "Um, Charlette Stevens."

"it's nice to know we have more women agents around here. Don't let these boys fool you there not that tough. Don't let them push you around" She advised.

I slight chuckle. Now I see why Steve liked her so much.

"Um, I'm sorry for barging in. thanks for the chat." I said before I rush out the door. I stood against the door. I let out a deep exhale.

Steve approaches me. "Are you okay?"

I clear my throat and composed myself. "Yeah, I'm fine. Did you get it?" 

He replies with a nod.

We rush outside and meet Tony outside. We hide behind some trucks. We lock eyes with Tony. He holds up a briefcase. Steve reciprocates with a thumbs up.

We activate our watches and we shrink down and travel through a tube of atoms and particles and then we returned on the platform regular size. Our helmet retracts and or suits dematerialized.

"Did we get them all?" Bruce asks.

"Are you telling me this actually worked?" Rhodes. I smile. Then my gaze turns to Clint who drops to his knees with a frozen stoic expression. A small tear travels down his cheek.

I look around and notice Natasha isn't here.

"Clint, where's Nat?" I ask.

He remains silent thus giving my answer.

I repeating shake my head whilst repeating no under my breath.

My lips begin to quiver as my breathing becomes erratic, I drop to my knees and started to hyperventilate. Tears spill down from my eyes in droves.

Bruce drops to his knees as well and punches the platform. A loud thud reverberates off the hanger walls.

We all gathered outside on a dock outside the tower.

Steve hasn't left my side since. my face was stoic my emotions numb.

"Do we know if she had any family?" Tony asks the team.

"Yeah, Us. "I uttered.

"What huh what are you doing?" The God of thunder questioned the genius.

"I just asked him a question." Tony rebuttals.

"Yeah, No, Your acting like she's dead. Why are we acting like she dead? We have the stone, right? As long as we have the stones, Charlie, we can bring her back isn't that right?" Thor rambled.

I bow my head in disappointment and sorrow. I wish it were true.

"So, stop this shit we're the Avengers. Get it together."

"We can't get her back." Clint says face turn towards the water.

"What he? What?" Thor question the archer.

"It can't be undone. It can't" Clint turns to Thor.

Thor chuckles." Look, I'm sorry no offense but your very earthly being, okay? We're talking about space magic and can't seems very definitive. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, look, I know that I'm way outside my pay grade here. But she still isn't here, is she?" Clint argued.

"No, that's my point." Thor argued back.

"It can't be undone or that at least the red floating guy had to say! Maybe you wanna go talk to him okay? Go grab your hammer and you go fly and you talk to him." Clint rambles.

Thor averts his gaze.

Clint eyes glisten with tears. "it was supposed to be me. she sacrificed her life for that goddamn stone. She bet her life on it."

Bruce picks up a bench and hurls it across the lake.

"Besides even there was a way to bring her back she wouldn't want us to do that. She wouldn't let us sit here and wallow in pain. Let's not let her sacrifice gone in vain." I uttered.

"We won't." Steve said.

I give him an assuring nod.


Unite-Endgame(Steve Rogers)-BOOK6Where stories live. Discover now