||03-so our plan is based off of back To The friggin future||

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A/N: Super long and full of time skips

"So, are you on board with this whole-time heist plan? "I ask my husband.

He puts his hands on his waist whilst letting out a deep exhale." I don't know but if there's even a chance we gotta take it."

"Yeah, my knowledge of pop culture tells me that time travel can be a slippery slope." my voice dripping with cynicism.

He simply nods.

"You know we're gonna need Tony on this." I said.

"I know." He hangs his head in dissatisfaction.

"let's hope Tony is up for it. He's suffered more loss then all of us." I said.

I sympathize with Tony after the snap we all loss a part of ourselves.

"Mommy I wanna go with you to see uncle Tony." Sam said while chewing on a piece of banana.

I chuckle at my son. "Nop, not this time bud. This a grown-up trip."

"So that means I can come right?" Sawyer uttered.

"Nop." Steve told his daughter before taking a sip of coffee.

"Why not!" she exclaimed.

"Uh?" I take a moment to think of a good answer.

"You have to watch you brother. So, there! Argument settled." I declared.

"Mom can't you hire a baby sister. What if I have a date!" She exclaimed.

Steve almost choked on his breakfast." Date?"

We both glare at her.

"It was a joke." She assured us.

Her father sighs of relief.


We pull up in front of Tony's cabin. We exit all exit the car and in the distance. I see Tony with Morgan in his arms.

She gives me a sheepish smile and wave. I reciprocate and smile while waving back.

Nat simple give Tony a nod. He nods back before taking Morgan inside.

We all convened on Tony's porch he pours us some drinks while Scott explains our so-called plan.

"No, we know what is sounds like." Scott stammers.

"Tony after everything you've seen, is there anything really impossible." Steve told the genius.

"Quantum fluctuation mess with the Planck scale. Which riggers the Deutsch Proposition. Can we agree on that?" Tony explains.

"I maybe understand three words out of that whole sentence." I blurted.

"In layman's terms it means you're not coming home." He told.

I simply nod.

"I did." Scott spoke.

"No, you accidently survived. It's a billion to one cosmic fluke. And now you wannna pull a. What do call it?"

"A time heist?" Scott finished.

"Yeah, a time heist of course. Why didn't we think of this before? Oh, because it's laughable because it's a pipe dream." Tony rambled.

"The stones are in the past. We could go back we could get them." Steve spoke.

"We can snap our own fingers and bring everybody back." I continued.

"Or screw it up worse than he already has, right?" the genius questioned arrogantly.

"I don't believe we would." Steve said without a hint of doubt in he's voice.

Unite-Endgame(Steve Rogers)-BOOK6Where stories live. Discover now