Let the Game Begin

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In chess the weakest piece on the board is the king, the queen is the piece who must protect the king at all cost. When the queen is gone, the king is defenseless, powerless, and even useless... I believe this is how I will turn the tables- by being the strongest piece on the board. However, I will not protect the king... 

Every woman I had ever known was looked down upon and inferior to the man. But I will not let that happen, I will turn the tables. Eventually the table will be completely turned and I will overthrow the king and rise to power. I will never love any man nor will I allow any man to ever love me...

I walked down the hall, red and gold silk trailed behind me as I entered through the large red oak doors. The dress was made perfectly to fit my slender body and small shoulders. My dark black almond eyes gazed over the golden candle holders and the many tapestries that hung on the walls. My dark hair hung loosely down my back with a medium sized bun above that held a silver Phoenix hair pin. Guards stood on both sides of the room standing at attention as I entered. I went before Emperor Chou Wu who awaited my company on his throne, next to him sat Empress Saku Miyo. Her dark brown eyes pierced into my soul as her eyes skimmed over me. Her silky black hair was stacked high as it supported a large golden hair piece, her small lips frowned slightly in disapproval. The skin on her forehead started to crease as I bowed before the throne. The emperor looked over to his wife, patted her hand and for a split moment she was content with me being in her presence.

The attention returned back to me and the king smiled. It was not a smile of pure love, but a smile that was masking his own defiance.

"Emperor Chou Wu, you wished to see me," giving the most innocent smile of compassion I possessed.

"As you know, my life is coming to an end my dear child. You were my first born and also the daughter of my previous wife. However, I want you take care of your step mother in my absence".

At the sound of that Saku Miyo looked at her husband in shock. She knew the king had become more frail and pale as the days had become weeks. The royal physicians had paid numerous visits, but no one ever heard the results. The Emperor continued to fulfill his duty to his people, therefore no one was concerned, but now the truth was unfolded- the Emperor was sick and dying. There was nothing anyone could do to help him.

Emperor Chou Wu sat on his throne, his eyes were dark and filled with sadness and maybe even fear of the idea that death himself was at the Emperors door. The Emperor was young and represented the strength of China, but now he was faltering. The Emperor winced in pain and lurched forward on his throne, gripping his abdomen. He coughed violently and blood spurted from his mouth, dripping down his golden dragon robe. His pointer finger brushed a line of blood tricking down from his lip and withdrew his finger into view, seeing the fresh blood soak into his skin. He swayed ever so slightly and leaned forward. The Emperor then collapsed in a heap below the feet of his throne.Empress Saku Miyo shrieked and rose from her seat as she screamed for the guards to retrieve the royal physician. It seemed like only a few seconds had passed when the guards and the physician came running in and kneeled before the king who was now almost completely.

"We must move the Emperor immediately to his chambers. No one must see him in weakness," the physician said as he checked the king's pulse. The king was lifted and rushed to his room with the empress trailing shortly behind him.
The room grew quiet and I followed in their direction, when I caught sight of a young servant.

"You there! You help the cook prepare the Emperors meals. Please give this to the chef and make sure he adds this to the kings food. It will help with the pain. Thank you," I said as I handed the girl a small pouch. Watching her take off down the hall to the kitchen, I smiled devilishly and chuckled. I knew it would would be effective, but I just didn't know how effective it would be.

The game had already started and pieces were already shifting. I almost have one piece taken off the board... a little time is all I need. After this piece is removed I need to overthrow that pawn who has made it to the other side of the board. She's already become a queen. In this game though, there will only be one queen and that will be me.
I took off down the hall and went into the kings chambers where his wife already sat on the floor at his bedside weeping. She gripped his bed sheets and tears rolled down her face. Servants tried to remove the empress from his side, but she refused to leave. Tears made their way down my face as I forced them out, biting the inside of my mouth. I sat down on the floor and bowed before the king keeping silent, my head remaining against the ground.

It was around the middle of the night when the empress started to wail in heartache. When I lifted my head, I saw the king release his final breath. The empress shrieked for me to leave his chambers after he was pronounced dead. With my head held low I walked out of the room and closed the door silently behind me. On both sides of the hall the servants wept and wailed, honoring the great Emperor. I continued to walk and made my way back to my chamber. When I had returned to my room I closed my door quietly. Lying down on my bed, I stared at the ceiling.

I gave a sigh of relief and whispered under my breath, "I will avenge you mother, because you were also a pawn in this game".

I rolled over to my side and blew out the candles at my bedside leaving myself in the darkness that engulfed me, yet comforted me.

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