Setting up the Queen to Fail

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The empress and Emperor Hitoshi had traveled to Japan for their honeymoon and were gone for a month. When they had arrived the whole country knew that Empress Saku Miyo was the new empress of both Japan and China. Tonight would be the night my plan would be moved into action and fate would decide if I would be the new empress.
I trailed down the hall to the kings chambers and knocked on the door I opened the large oak door slowly and peeked in. The king sat at his desk reading the latest news from other empires and the problems the people in his country were facing. I walked up to the king and bowed low to the ground, stood up and smiled.

"Emperor Hitoshi I was wondering if you would be so kind as to accompany me on a walk around the palace grounds"?

He looked up and smiled, "why of course I have a few things I would like to discuss with you anyway".

He stood up and took my arm in his walking around the palace. The moon shinned and you could see the lights dance that were inside the rooms. Many curtains were drawn back for the soft breeze to cool down the rooms.

"I've noticed that my son has grown fond of you, and I want to know what your intentions are? If he was to marry you, would you be happy?"

I thought about this for a moment and nodded.

"My intentions are to know him better and yes Emperor Hitoshi, I think I would be very happy with your son".

I pointed towards the moon and sighed, "look how pretty the moon is".

I looked at the windows and noticed one with the lights on and on the balcony there was a couple next to the window. The man leaned over and whispered into the girls ear then pulled her in for a kiss. The man then pulled the woman back away from the widow into the room closing the curtains. When I looked over to the king his face was bright red with anger as he cried out, "that's the empresses chamber".

I looked at him confused. He started to yell "Guards! Seize the Queen I order her to come before me at once"! The king was fuming and stormed off.

Katsuro stood in the room with the queen and had started to sweet talk.

"Empress Saku Miyo it's such an honor to serve you", he said as he became closer to her, "I have waited to serve such a gorgeous woman as you". He held the empresses hand, guiding her to the balcony to look at the beautiful scenery. He watched carefully to see if Eu-meh was walking towards him with the emperor... he had to stall time.
He continued to slowly talk to the empress and pulled her hand to his chest, trying to swoon her. "You majesty, you are absolutely magnificent... I don't think I have ever laid my eyes on any woman prettier than you." The empress blushed as Katsuro pulled her in ,hugging her as the king walked by. Her side was to the emperor and her eyes were fixed on Katsuro who was almost enchanting as she looked up into his eyes. Katsuro gently pulled her in and leaned in for a kiss, but made no contact with her lips... with such a small gap between his lips and hers. He then grasped her hand then released it gently, stroking her hand softly. He looked to the side and saw the king running back into the palace... any moment now he thought. He pulled her away from the window towards the bed, tossing her onto the fine white silk sheets that were designed with mountains and rivers, the scenery of China. The queen starred at Katsuro and waited for what he was going to do next as he smiled and pulled the sheets. 
He leaned down and whisper in her ear, "Sadly you are married to the emperor so I will bid you goodnight". He bowed and headed towards the door hastily.

"Wait what is your name?!"

"Does it matter? The kings seen you with another man...".
He slammed the door shut and took off down the hall towards Eu-meh's room to hide and wait until the next part of the plan. The empress cried out but it was too late... actions speak louder than words.
I walked into the room and found Katsuro laying on his back on the bed grinning from ear to ear. He rolled on his stomach kicking his feet in the air, resting his jaw on his hands.

"That was magnificent! No brilliant!" He said excitedly.

I glared at him and hissed, "Did you do anything with her?! Did you kiss her?!" He looked at me, shock filling his face.
"No! I wouldn't kiss that hundred year old snake"!

".... she's only thirty".

"I'm sorry that's ancient in my book compared to my small age of twenty... why are you jealous?" I shook my head no violently and said, "why would I ever be jealous"?

"I don't know perhaps because...".

He crept closer to me and leaned in nuzzling against my cheek and rubbing my hand. He turned towards me and touch my lips with his. I waited for him to kiss me, but he pulled back.
My eyes were still closed and my mouth was still in a kissing position. I opened them slowly and Katsuro leaned back and laughed.

"I think a woman would be jealous if she's sitting right here wanting to kiss me".

I huffed and pointed towards the door.

"Get out of here"!
He laughed and ran towards the door as I tossed silk pillows at him. He opened the door slightly, then turned back towards me.

"The Guards are outside your door...".

I smiled devilishly then stated, "I guess you'll just have to stay with me tonight".

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