Carry Our Legacy

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"I said... I was with the empress that night. I was the one you saw".

The guards had laid the empress down on the mat, leaving her for the ladies of the empress to take care of her. Her hair was spread out across her face as she laid there on her side.

The Emperor glared at his son as if his eyes were daggers that could pierce his words.

"Tell me everything there is to know...".

"You had left to talk a walk with princess Eu-meh. The empress called for me, saying that she was feeling under the weather. I simply took her outside on the balcony for fresh air. When I took her outside she became weary and collapsed into my arms where I withdrew her from the window. I was going to help her get settled in for the night, but she insisted on me taking her to her nightstand to finish her hair. After I helped her sit into her chair I left the room."

The king bit his bottom lip as he looked down at the floor then he looked up making eye contact with his son.

"Princess Eu-meh it looks as if our worries can be put to ease. We have nothing to fear now. I hope the empress can learn something from this experience. Guards please help the empresses ladies help her back to her room. I want her room guarded carefully. You may leave".

The guards, empress, and her ladies left only leave Katashi and I standing alone with the Emperor. There was an awkward moment of silence until I finally spoke up, "your majesty may we be excused also"?

"Yes of course after I have a few words with you two. I have been thinking that you two have seemed to have become more inseparable and I believe we should have stronger ties with this kingdom. I have already spoken to you, Eu-meh about this matter, but now I want to know what you think Katashi? Would you take Princess Eu-men's hand and marry her"?

He looked around the room with wide eyes as his face turned a bright shade of red.
He lower his head and held his fist together bowing.

"Father... Emperor Hitoshi... I am very honored, but are you sure this is the best interest of the empire"?

"Yes I am certain, especially when I have grandchildren to carry on your name and our legacy".

Katashi coughed violently and started to choke and finally through a horse voice managed to say, "grandchildren"?

"Why of course that is only natural I'm sure you will have many marvelous children!"

Katashi's face was burning so brightly I didn't know whether or not to call for help.

"I do accept your request and I will marry princess Eu-meh in time".

"Marvelous marvelous," the Emperor exclaimed as he clapped his hands.

We walked out of the room together and just as the doors had shut katashi turned towards me.

"What do you want," I asked chillingly.

He backed me up against the wall grabbing hand and pinning it up above my head. He leaned down to my ear and whispered, "I would be careful in what you think you're trying to do princess. One move can cost you the whole game. Right now you're moving the wrong piece and you're not concerned with the other pieces around you".

"Why would you care", I hissed, "you don't care about me, you never have. Every time I'm around you... you always give me wrong impressions. If you do care then you should perhaps act like it or at least try to be kinder towards me. I hope I never have to marry you let alone sleep with you in bed", I snapped. I jerked forward trying to release my arm. I hardly budged, only my upper half moved forward closer to Katashi. He looked at me in the eyes... appearing almost hurt by my words. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips. He released my arm which fell to his shoulder and cupped my jaw with his two hands. I finally opened my eyes and took a deep breath. He backed away and turned around on his heels tilting his head to the side, not making any eye contact.

"I may not be the best person with words, but I promise my actions will always show how much I truly care".

I touched my lips and felt the moister that layered the surface then wiped it off with my sleeve in disgust.

"He's simply trying to manipulate me," I huffed as I walked down the hall back to my room.

"Well that didn't work", Katsuro said as he looked at the many silks in my dresser.

I collapsed on my bed, leaning on my side faced towards Katsuro.

"I know it didn't she's getting away free again," I exclaimed as I threw my hand in the air.

"All because of that... that rat in our midst... he's up to no good... I just feel it"!

"He was the only person that kept the queen from death... if he hadn't spoken she would have already faced the death sentence".

"Yes I am well aware."

"Why? Why would he help her?! Why would he, what is his purpose of helping! Why would he... he...!"

"Why would he what...?"

I brushed my lips again, recalling the kiss.

Katsuro dropped the light blue silk he held in his hands and turned around again.

"Nothing... it's nothing... I'm just thinking".

"Well okay... if you say so".

He sat down on the edge of the bed and held my shoulder.

"You should be worried if he's trying to get close to you".

I nodded and folded my arms against my knees, holding them up to my chest.

"Do you think Katashi is trying to hurt me"?

"Easily. He's trying to get close to you to destroy you faster".

Was Katashi really trying to use me or would someone else try...I had to question?

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