Forgotten Promise

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After the day with Katashi I couldn't shake the feeling that I was perhaps being too harsh on him. He was trying be kind to me and all I did was fight back. This feeling what was it... was it remorse?
I walked around the palace for a while and finally the feeling became too strong. I had to do something. I had to do something to make things right. I walked around until I found a servant and asked her, "do you know where Emperor Hitoshi's son is? The servant thought for a moment and then said, "I believe I saw him in the library your highness". I turned around and walked down the corridor to the library I looked around a hesitated to open the door because there were no guards. I peeked In and saw Katashi sitting at a table with his nose in a book. I snuck up behind him and poked my head over his shoulder then questioned, "what are you reading"?
Katashi jumped and slammed the book closed and turned around angrily.
"what are you doing here? I left you to go see the physician about an hour ago. What do you want"?

I chewed the bottom of my lip.

"I didn't mean to scare you, but I was just wondering if you wanted to perhaps join me for dinner"?
Katashi sat his book face-up and looked at me dead in the eyes.

"Why do you care? What if I say no?" I turned around slowly and started to walk towards the door.

"Sorry for interrupting your book... I also enjoy a good love story occasionally... it was a bad idea to invite you I'm sorry".

I closed the door behind me and held my head down low. Is this how he had felt? I walked near one of my servants and said, "Bring my supper to me in my chamber. Thank you". I continued to walk to my room, when I returned I took out my chess set and stared at the pieces admiringly. I sighed and moved back to my bed sprawling out with my eyes closed to rest for a bit, waiting for my meal.
The door opened and I waved my hand for them to just sit down the plates and leave. I heard plates shuffle and make contact with the table , but there were more plates than I could eat that were being sat down. I sat up finally and said, "that's enough food, I don't need that much!" I opened my eyes and saw Katashi moving a chair next to my bed. I turned around and faced the trays. "What happened to you saying you wouldn't come?" I grumbled.
He glared and said, "I didn't say I wouldn't come... I simply asked what if I didn't come."
I nodded and picked up a piece of bread smothering it in jam. Had I overreacted when I walked out on him? I smiled weakly and responded with, "you're right and I apologize".
He interrupted me mid sentence.
"Why are you so curious about me now... you're trying to start a conversation when before you would hardly utter a word".
I stood up and put my hands on my hips.
"You're so gullible! I'm just trying to get to know you! Empress Saku Miyo said that I should try and get to know you more so that's what I'm doing!"
"Fine, if you want to get to know me then you'll have to want to know me yourself not because of someone else."
I tilted my head to the side and sat back down on the bed ruffling the silk sheets under my fingers.

He stood up.

"I do want to know you more, I just don't want to admit that I do." I looked up and pushed his plate towards him.

"You should eat you're probably hungry... you didn't eat much today". He looked at me and smirked as he held a piece of quail to his mouth.

"That's because someone took all my food".

After his statement he dropped the piece of food in his mouth. With that said I pushed him in the shoulder sending him flat on his back in the bed. "Hey what now you're going to keep me from eating too?" He started to click his tongue and sat back up, "so harsh".
I sat back folding my arms and waited for him to finish. He sat back and smiled then said, "thank you for the meal, it was really nice. How about we take a walk in the gardens". I chewed the corner of my lip then nodded with a faint smile. He took my arm and led me out of the room, down the hall, and into the gardens. The moon casted a soft light on the stone paths and  the fountains that were running. We walked under the cherry blossom trees that were in full bloom and to a small pond that contained lily pads.

Katashi leaned down towards me and whispered, "please don't trust anyone. Don't trust anyone... but me". He placed his arms on my shoulders and turned me facing towards him. He embraced me tightly as I stood there with my eyes wide. It was a long time since I had been hugged let alone by a man. He released me after a while and smiled weakly.

From the other side of the garden within the trees Katsuro watched as Katashi embraced Eu-meh. Katsuro glared and turned away from the scene. He wouldn't visit her tonight... he couldn't bear the thought of seeing someone who had forgotten him and the promise she had made to him. Was he perhaps jealous, envious, or hurt? I didn't matter there was a plan he needed to achieve and nothing would keep him from the ultimate goal. He walked away back into the shadows to return to his cell feeling cold and forgotten.

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