Deadly Sin

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The cart came to a stop and I woke up from the jolt. I tapped Katsuro who moaned as I started to shake him when the tapping didn't work.

"Katsuro! Wake up! Go check outside we stopped. I think we're here".

Katsuro rubbed his eyes and threw off his blanket, swung the door open and jumped out. He closed the door leaving me in silence. Moments passed... where was he?

I opened the door and peered outside, slowly removing myself from the safety of the cart. I turned around to close the door, locking it as I made my way from it.

"I'd stop right there if I was you".

A blade was held to my back, I could feel it's sting grow as pressure was added, I winced.

I was knocked to the ground with such force that trying to brace myself for impact was useless. I landed with my face in the dirt and legs sprawled out. I laid on my side and grabbed it as I felt a sharp pain grow. I looked at the thief with bitterness and hatred. Katsuro was thrown in front of me tied up and gagged. He squirmed trying to remove himself from bondage and cursed through the fabric.

The thief had long black hair tied in the back, with light brown eyes, wearing fine robes that were overly sized. He crawled over me leaning down, placing one hand on my shoulder and the other on my arm above me.

"My my... what a catch. A beautiful lady. Say I could let you go... for a price".

I looked at him confused... what was he referring to? How much money is on the line?

"Money is not an issue if that's what you're talking about".

I could hear Katsuro chuckle and mumble what sounded like, "not that".

"No... no I meant if you sleep with me?.." the thief said as he looked embarrassed. He whistled and pointed for one of his men to hold me down as he stood up to be right in front of me. turning around covering his face.

Well. I guess money isn't on his mind?

"Well I'm sorry but that is not an option. Now I want you to release my eunuch and allow us to be on our way ".

He turned around and glared at me once again.

I'm guessing I wasn't the one with mood swings.

"Sorry darling, but I think you could be very useful. Perhaps help us win the war or we just hold you for ransoms".

"Did I not just tell you money is not an issue"?

Man this guy was getting on my nerves, I wish he would just end this conversation or better yet let Katsuro and I go.

He paused and looked at me dead in the eye... I think I made him a little aggravated.

"You should learn when to hold your tongue. If I hold you for ransoms that means I could easily get multiple deals out of you. If you tried to bribe me that is a one time offer. You are at the mercy of me and I could easily kill you right now and right now I would not hesitate to".

"Well if you killed me you wouldn't get a ransoms or money from me," I hissed.

I had this under control or at least for now I did.

He pressed the blade to my chest and added pressure. I could feel something forming and starting to drip down my abdomen as the pain increased. I winced.

"You foolish girl haven't you heard of lying"?

He tossed me to the ground again as I gripped my chest crying out. I stretched my hand out towards Katsuro who looked at me with pain in his eyes. Why can't he save me this once... I need someone to save me. The Thief had me tied and sent to their hiding ground they had made. It only consisted of large tents, however they had many noble luxuries. I was tossed onto the mattress by one of the leaders assistants. The leader came in and leaned over me.

"Don't make this awkward again. Just be a silent woman that I can take care of this night". He caressed my face and trailed his fingers down my neck as he crouched down lower towards me. I bit my lip and started to shriek as fear swelled inside of me. As I cried out he placed his cheek on my neck and grabbed my shoulders. I gasped from the shock.

"Now now. Be a good girl" he whispered in my ear.

I closed my eyes waiting... hoping a miracle would happen as he breathed my neck and cheek slowly.

There was a loud chocking sound followed by gurgling, almost as if someone was drowning. My eyes shot open as the thief fell dead to the ground, a pool of blood forming around him, soaking his clothes. Behind him Katsuro stood with blood dripping down his blade and covering his shenyi. I laid there horrified, I had never seen him act this way. Katsuro was breathing heavily not meeting my eyes as I whispered his name.

"Sorry, but I am the only one who can kill her," he said under his breath.

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