When Love Blooms

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Katsuro cleared his throat as he leaned forward and started his story.

"Well you see princess, life wasn't always a golden spoon given to me...

I was born in a high class family just as many others however, my mother was a third wife to my father. Because she was his third wife, she was often looked past. His other wives looked down on her. When his other two wives weren't able to produce a son, he married my mother who was also a daughter of a nobleman. My mother gave birth to me and my father loved me unconditionally. My father taught me everything, he showed me techniques of war and how to be a good leader. I couldn't help but admire the man he was when he looked at me and praised me for the good things I had done and accomplished. I studied hard and had mastered Korean, Chinese, and my own language, Japanese. I learned mathematics, trade, writing in all three of the languages, and astronomy. For once in my life I was admired as a young student who exceeded in many things. Years later the first wife learned that she was pregnant and word spread like a wildfire. The king spent more time with his first wife and seemed to have forgotten my mother who was always there for him, but most importantly... he seemed to have forgotten me. Between the few years when she was the only one able to produce a son, for the first time she was actually praised and looked at more than what she once was. To him she was his empress she was his world as was I, but I didn't know someone could be so easily replaced. It would be months until we could learn if the other baby was a boy or girl and we waited patiently for that day. We awaited the arrival of the baby and the day it was born my mother feared my entire future, because another son was born. Instantly it became a game of power and jealousy. Each wife tried to compete for the love and affection of my father and the other son and I competed to see who was better. I grew up and was the rightful age to start looking at possible wives and caught the eyes of a young woman".

I interrupted, "ohhh a woman was she pretty? Did you ever kiss her? Wait... are you married?"

"Well if you would let me me continue, then I would tell you," he scolded me as a parent does to a toddler.

My father had me lead armies into battle, that's what I was trained for. I was better at swordsmanship and fighting in general than my younger brother. I had to watch hundreds and thousands die before my eyes, but in the end a victory was won even though the cost was great. When I returned from war she was already married to my younger brother. I visited her and asked her if she would want to run away with me, perhaps have a family and enjoy the life we could have made together. As you can see none of it worked out. Yes she was stunning. She had skin the shade of milk and dark long black hair that was as fine as silk. Her eyes always shined like the stars and her voice made a room glow like a candle. Yet, in the end I would never be able to admire those qualities she had...No I never kissed her let alone held her close to me in an embrace. I didn't marry her, I'm still not married."

I looked up at Katsuro and smiled slightly and finally said to him, "looks like I'm in good company. We have the same motivations and similar pasts."

Katsuro looked up questioningly and asked, "what's my motivation?"

The look on his face, was the look of daring me to guess correctly.

I smiled even wider and quietly whispered, "we all want power and what rightfully belongs to us now do we not?"

He nodded and said, "it looks like we do have the same motivation."

I heard faint footsteps come down the corridor at a slow pace. A faint dancing light grew in the distance, coming closer with every faint step heard.

"Who's there?" An elderly servant called out raising her voice louder as she approached us.

I grabbed a hold of Katsuro's arm and took off down the hall in the opposite direction with the candle and it's holder still in hand. I ran around the corner and pressed him against the wall and tried to hide the glow of the light. I didn't realize what I had done until he firmly laid his hand over mine, hiding even more light as a guard walked by past my chambers door. I looked into his eyes and tried to catch my breath.

His body was so warm against mine. Even with my heart racing I felt so comfortable in his embrace.

He starred into my eyes and looked at me and my hand that rested above his chest near the shoulder blade. I finally looked away from him, blood slowly crept up into my cheeks and I spun around on my heels daring to not turn around and see that smug look of his. I turned my face to the side as my body faced away from him, I cleared my throat and whispered, " I will share my story with you tomorrow. Thank you for sharing some of your life's story with me. Go back to your cell and return to me tomorrow with the gossip you have heard. I'll bring wine to the guard and you can come visit me at night at my chambers. I must caution you to be careful when you come, because guards are constantly checking and surveying the area." Katsuro nodded and started to leave.

"Wait!" I hissed.

I ran into my chambers and returned with a silk blanket.

"Here this may help you. It's probably cold down there".

He nodded and bowed to me, then turned away to walk back. He froze for a second and whispered, "you know... that girl, she was stunning, but I don't think she could even surpass your beauty".

He walked away in silence into the veil of darkness and left me standing there... shocked.

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