Details of War

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I could simply remember what happened that day, there was nothing else I could do. All that I had been through in a day alone, it was all too much to handle and process... I sat there on the ground in the corner of the tent, resting my forehead against my knees, breathing heavily as I remembered every detail of the war. I sat there with bandages wrapped around my core as the blood from small wounds were drying. My night gown was spread out around me. A small candles light flickered in the center of the tent on a small wooden table. I could only muffle the cries that hid inside of me as I continued thinking.

I had nearly died.

Another soldier had blocked the sword for me, I was able to then get away and edge my way closer to the leader. When he saw me he took off in the opposite direction on his horse.He's just trying to lure me into his territory more. If I go into their territory too much, my chances of dying grow immensely let alone being captured. I finally came to the decision to return, closer to the men I needed to lead and support, even if they were supporting me more in this time.

My army fought alongside me all day, to the point of exhaustion. Men would collapse in heaps around me too tired to move an inch. Men around them would pick them up and carry them to the infirmary or encourage them to continue.

Though surrounded, we managed to break their defense and regain our position, however many were lost for the cause. Supplies and rations were also lost, damaged, or stolen. We lost many, but not as many as we could have.

My soul could only feel a heavy burden in my heart, my eyes were swollen and my tongue was tied as nothing could be said to numb the memories that haunted me.

The flap to my tent opened. I looked up and felt relieved, knowing that it was only Katsuro who usually visited me. I stood up to meet his gaze and give him a smile.

It was not Katsuro.

My smile faltered.

"Who are you? State your name".

He walked into the light and I knew exactly who he was as soon as I saw his appearance.

"Don't you remember me," he asked as he tilted his head to the side.

I nodded my head slowly.

"You were with those traitors. How many details did you give away to the enemy"?

The boys lips quivered, but not from sadness. They quivered from anger that swelled inside of him. He walked closer towards me and rested his hand on the table. I could see his chest rise and fall as he tried to calm himself.

"Your highness I would watch what you say. None of those men were traitors," he said as the words seemed to catch in his throat.

I glared and turned around, walking away with my back to him, trying to create distance between us.

"As if you would know. You're the only that escaped. How can I trust you or anything you say"?

I made eye contact with him. His hair had fallen in front of his face which hid his dark empty eyes.

"Your highness you know nothing"...

"What do you mean"?

"I mean you know nothing! You don't know me or the men whose lives they've taken"!

I straightened up and looked at him, expressionless. He was right.

"The first man they killed, did you know that he was a blacksmith and his wife just gave birth to their second child? Did you know that he was so well known in his career that the scribe to the king had him personally work for him until he retired"?
I shook my head no and tried to contain the tears that started to form. I truly knew nothing. I didn't want to personally know these men.

"Did you know the second man they killed was a father with three sons and that his eldest was just expecting to be a father? His second son was just married and his youngest son was chosen to follow in his father's footsteps. His youngest son was going to be a cook to the emperor and the empress himself. But it would never happen because war only takes the dreams of many".

I was shocked.

"How did you know these people so well," I whispered.

"How did I know them so well? The first man I knew, because I actually talked to him. Some might even say that he is my friend, which I would agree with. My name is Sanyu. The second man I knew because he was my father and I am his youngest son. I lived because he helped me escape and laid down his life for me.

I started to bite the skin on my pointer finger as I was thinking.

"Sanyu, what happened... tell me".

"My father was able to hide me. When we heard men coming, I hid in the brush and my father used his body to shield me from the enemies view. As soon as the men left with my father and the others I had to wait there for hours as I listened to them torture my father and the others. No secrets were shared... your men... my friends and father remained faithful to you. I  you remember what my father said? When the soldiers had gone off to take their prisoners to meet you, I escaped and found my way back. Do you remember what my father said"?

In a hushed voice I said the words his father had spoken.

"You're not safe...No help comes... It's death arriving"...

He looked up and smiled.

"Princess the message has a hidden meaning. If you look at every other word, it makes a new sentence. Princess...

You're safe. Help, it's arriving".

I ran up to the young man and hugged him tightly. I felt his arms wrap around me.

"We are going to be okay... we are going to be okay".... my voice quivered.

Turned Table of the Phoenix Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora