Asking For War

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I leaned over his shoulder and watched as the pencil tailed in patterns, as each letter was written. I grinned from ear to ear. If a false set-up didn't work I know this would. Katsuro folded the letter and sat up, leaning his back against the soft freshly cleaned wood.

"There I'm finished now we only have to deliver it without anyone knowing where it came from".

"I have my ways of getting it there".

He sealed the letter with the sealed stamp and looked at me for approval.

"It's ready, now I just need to find someone who would never suspect such a thing...".

I smiled and made my way out the door into the hall. At the end sitting on the floor was none other than Katashi.

"Katashi...", I said as I looked into his eyes, placing my hand on his shoulder, "I need you to do me favor if you would please. It's an apology letter to the queen. I just didn't know the trouble I could cause for her. I just didn't think it was an accident it looked so real".

Katashi's mouth was open in shock as he looked around, his face becoming a hot red. He cleared his throat.

"Princess that is the issue. You never do think".

I glared at Katashi and raised my hand ready to slap his face. Just as i swung my hand he caught it and looked at me bitterly.

"I never said I wouldn't deliver the letter. You're welcome".

Katashi took off down the hall, just as he was ready to turn the corner I screamed, "what was that kiss supposed to mean?!"

He paused and looked at the ground.

"Nothing princess Euh-meh... it meant nothing".

I was shocked. Even hurt. I walked away with my arms folded in my chest, hugging myself. Looking down at the ground, I couldn't decide on what to do. I walked by the kings meeting house and an idea struck me. I couldn't marry let alone be with such an absurd fool. As I was about to grab the handles to the door, I heard low voices whisper over a war that was brewing.

"Emperor Hitoshi, we don't have a General at the moment".

"Well find one" he hissed back.

I threw the doors open and walked in with my head held high.

"Emperor Hitoshi, I know you are wanting me to marry your son, but I cannot. I ask that you reconsider your decision because I am highly capable of being a leader myself. Even in bigger matters such as war".

"Princess Euh-meh you will marry my son that is final you have already agreed".

"Emperor Hitoshi after spending time with your son I realized that I was capable of being by myself. I couldn't help but hear you speak of this situation of not having a general. Let me go and lead the army. I can prove to you that I will be a strong leader alone".

The king rested against his throne, his fingers resting on his forehead. Finally he looked up and met my gaze smiling.

"As you wish. Prove to me that you can lead your country. Have a few of your servants accompany you. Do not disappoint me or make me regret my decision. You will leave tomorrow it's a two day journey to our border".

I bowed and made my way to my room where I started to pack. Katsuro came in my room with freshly brewed tea and saw me packing.

"Where are you going"?

"I'm going to lead a war".

Katsuro nearly dropped the tray but managed to sit it on the nightstand.

"Wait no! No! You can't pack dresses to wear on the battlefield!"

With a look of confusion and shock I asked him, "Wait you're worried about what I wear and not me"?

"Well not but yes I am concerned about you, but If you expect respect respect you're going to have to dress like it at that starts with taking off this".

He threw a piece of cloth at me and I looked at him questioningly.

"What is this for"?

"It's for you know, taking off your makeup. You need war paint but not that kind".

I gasped and turned away in anger... but I knew he was right I had to gain respect and not look like a china doll on the field. I went to my basin and dipped the cloth in the water. It absorbed it and dripped as I dabbed it on my skin. When I finished I turned around and looked at Katsuro filled with glum.

"What happened to your face" he shrieked as he covered his eyes. I took off my sandal and hit him directly in the stomach.

"I was joking I was joking"!

Katsuro held his stomach now and was laughing.

"I think you look more beautiful without your makeup princess".

I smiled weakly and asked, "what do I wear instead of the dresses"?

"Well that I can help you with".

Katsuro snuck out of the room and a few minutes later returned with clothes folded in his arms.

"Oh I'm not done there's another round of clothing to get. I need to get your armor still".

"Now you are ready I'll help you yet dressed".

Katsuro touched the back of my dress which had sent a large shock down my body.

"Sorry I think I can take care of this. You can turn around I can help myself. After I put on these clothes you can help me with the armor".

Katsuro turned around and waited until I was ready for the armor.

"Now there is a leader you don't want to mess with," he said as he whistled. He came closer and brushed my hair behind my ear.

"Get your rest I will accompany you when you leave".

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