Someone In My Bed

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I woke up to the sound of munching. As I turned over on my bed, I stretched and felt crumbs move under my fingers. I opened my eyes and saw Katsuro sprawled out on my bed eating a small loaf of bread. With a loud shriek I kicked him in the groin and sent him tumbling off the bed. It wasn't too long until a guard came running in and frantically asked what was wrong. I was still breathing hard from the scare, but responded with, "I'm sorry there was a rat in here, don't worry I took care of it. You may be excused now, thank you for your service".

Katsuro started to sit up when the guard was still looking at me suspiciously walking towards me. I edged towards the side of the bed and stretched my leg out knocking him on his back again. As his body hit the floor I coughed loudly to try and cover the sound and said, " I said you may be excused, follow your orders... now leave".

The guards hesitantly turned around and walked out still trying to look around the room, but finally closed the door. Katsuro shot up from off the floor and hissed at me, "what was that for you could've seriously hurt me ?!"

I whispered back fiercely "If it wasn't for me you would've been hanged for being in my chambers in the middle of the night, better yet you're supposed to be in your cell"!

Katsuro shrugged and finally agreed, getting back up and sitting on the corner of my bed. I asked looking at him directly in the eye, "what were you doing in my bed"?

He laughed and said, "well let's see. You can order food at your disposal and there was also a large feast that tonight. So I assumed you brought food back for me. You looked so comfy and I wanted to wait for you to wake up so I just rested for a moment. I didn't think you would wake up and just kick me in the groin".

I sat up and rolled my eyes at him and finally asked, "what did you learn today". He looked at me and smirked and started to twirl his hair around his finger.

"Well I can't recall at the moment, but I'm sure that if I get a price of my choosing at the end then it will suffice".

I nodded to this agreement and tapped my fingers against the bed impatiently.

"Now tell me".

Katsuro smiled and leaned forward whispering, "today I heard from me of the guards that the wedding will occur within two weeks and that after they are married, they want to have a son in the future to take over this kingdom unless you marry his son and produce an heir. As of right now Emperor Hitoshi believes you won't marry his son. That is the only information I know as of this moment, but I do have a question for you. You never told em about your childhood... please share".

I thought for a moment then finally opened my mouth to speak.

"I was born as a princess. I was valued, but not as highly valued as a son would be. My father tried to teach me everything I could get my hands on. He hired teachers from other countries and tried to provide the best education. My mother was taken from me when I was young. She was accused of something she didn't do and in the end paid the ultimate price for a crime that was never committed by her. I didn't understand what had happened when I was younger, but now it's all clear to me.
Everyday I had to live with the man who betrayed the woman that gave me life and the one who also set up the plan to make my mother look as if she had committed the crime. Everyday I wish to avenge my mother, but I can only wait for a perfect moment. When I was growing up I could hardly afford a spare moment for having fun. One of my tutors taught me a game called chess and that's when my whole perspective on life changed. I became a master at the game and would even beat my own teacher, perhaps it was the passion for the game or the yearn to become the one who could rule everything and control the game. To be honest that's about it... that's my life, there's nothing much more than what I have told you".

Katsuro looked up at me and asked, "could you show me this game you call chess and share what your perspective on life is now and what the game means to you"? I nodded and smiled slightly.

"I guess I could do that".

"What about your father. You said you sought revenge, but your father has already passed away, what more could you want"?

I responded with, " My father was not the only one who had set up my mother. Others played a role in it and I plan to eliminate them also just as my father was".

Katsuro rose from off my bed and asked, "don't you want to know what I want from the deal"?

I had already forgot about it and nodded "yes do tell me. I promised you anything you wanted".

Katsuro smiled before he was about to go out from my room, "I want you to meet me tomorrow night in the gardens, we can take a walk".

I thought about it and finally agreed to it. "I will agree to your wish".

Katsuro was ready to open the door when I said, "Katsuro Wait!" He paused and turned his head to the side.

"Please be safe... I'll get you out soon. I'll come up with a plan to get you out of there". He smiled slightly and took off.

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