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Katsuro looked around the darkness of the cell and listened to the faint droplets of water fall from the ceiling and the guard snoring. The guards had untied him after Eu-meh had left. He sat there on the cold ground leaning against the wall his eyes closed as he tried to sleep. He heard the faint sound of footsteps approach him, they grew louder until they stopped directly in front of his cell. Katsuro opened his eyes and saw that the figure was leaning against the bars.

"You know what to do," he said, "we are one step closer. This is all a part of the plan, I will start phase two soon. We need to make sure she doesn't become an obstacle in our way".

Katsuro nodded and smiled slightly thinking of all the possible outcomes. The figure backed away from the bars and walked from Katsuro's sight, leaving him again to rest. It's all a part of the plan Katsuro reminded himself as he drifted off asleep.

I went to my chambers and changed into my nightgown. I laid down in bed across the pillows and lifted my arm looking at the deep gash that ran across it. I sighed and thought back to the young man I had just met. I shook my head trying to throw away the thought that I was even thinking about him, I didn't need to think about any man. I closed my eyes gently and let the rhythm of breathing send me into a deep slumber. That night I had dreamt of my mother's death...

The noble women walked into the palace. That's where I had first seen Saku Miyo. I was too young and innocent than to know the reasons for my mothers death. It wasn't until years later that I would be able to understand everything that had happened.
The dream altered and I saw my mother kneeling to the ground, she was in simple robe of a servant, not that of an empress. Her hair did not hold any pins showing her status.
A rod hit her in the side repeatedly, being swung by one of the guards. My father sat on his throne overlooking the scene without any mercy for his wife. Every sound of the rod coming into contact with my mother sent a blood curdling chill down my spine. She cried and pled with my father who sat on his throne. She repeatedly said that she was innocent. There was no reaction from him, there was only an emotionless stare filled with possible hate. I started to cry and tried to run towards my mother who was now on her side grasping for dear life. It was as if a force was holding me back keeping me from doing anything for her. I watched as blood dripped from the side of her beautiful; flawless narrow face. She shielded her eyes and continued to cry out. I knew her body couldn't handle much more. She was petite with a slender neck and small shouldered. With the next blow I heard a rib fracture and she gasped falling to the ground.
Empress Saku Miyo sat at the side of the Emperor also emotionless. As I looked around closer I saw my younger self hiding behind a few servants. I started to cry and grabbed at the hem of the servants skirts who responded with shock and concern. The king stood up and caught sight of his young and clueless daughter and held up his hand firmly in the air.

"Stop. Take Eu-meh's mother to her chamber and take Eu-meh to get something to eat."

I watched as the younger me was taken away. I squirmed trying to go and find my mother, but they held my hand firmly.

I took off after my mother and followed the men to her chamber, but they closed the door. I banged on it furiously for them to open it, but it was of no use. I rammed my body against the door, but my body helplessly slid to the floor.

My eyes shot open and I woke to tears steaming down my face. I rose from my bed, it was past midnight. I tiptoed down the dark corridor to the prison and found Katsuro.

"Find me the culprit and I will pay you well."

I walked over to a guard that was in a deep sleep and took the keys from his belt. I walked back to Katsuro who was also sounded asleep and threw the keys down at his feet. The guard stirred, but did nothing as Katsuro woke up and rubbed his eyes, they grew wide as he looked down at the keys and freed himself from the cell. He was in shock and so was I at what I had just done. I turned my back on him and walked ahead.

"Follow me. You must be hungry. It won't be long until others wake for the day."

Katsuro chased after me and grabbed my shoulder.

"Why do you do this?"

I thought about his question for a moment then responded, "I have questions and I need answers. You can be my eyes and ears, while I can be your protection."

Katsuro simply nodded and walked with me to the kitchen. I light a few candles to cast a glow in the room, I then gathered an assortment of foods including pear, roasted quail, and rice and handed it to Katsuro who was eagerly waiting. I sat down across from him and watched as he shoved food into his mouth. He paused then said to me, "Now princess I don't work with just anyone I need to know the person some before I work for them, now tell me about yourself".

I tilted my head and pondered, then I looked back at him directly in his eyes.

"I could say the same thing and as your employer I think I should know who I'm hiring first".

Katsuro shrugged and sighed, "as you wish," he replied.

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