Chapter 10 ~ Why Do We Always Meet?

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Y/N is in her tree house looking out the window to see the pigs building something and the hatchlings riding the motorcycle that is super dangerous for them to ride on. This is getting worse than she have ever feared. She even notice the pigs are looking at the eggs. It seems as though Leonard and them is attached to the eggs, but doesn't know that he is also after her since he likes her.

Heading to the kitchen she took out the banana from the bowl, peeling it before taking a bite. She wondered how Red and others are doing. Probably being dragged in with her dad bragging. She chuckled at the thought as she was about to finish her fruit when she heard the knock. Odd. No one ever come into her house. Walking over to the door and opened it, shocked to see a certain pig.

"Leonard? What are you doing here? How do you know where I live?"

"I just happen to find your home and I asked the birds where you are." he calmly replied.

"Okay.. What for?"

"I thought you would like to come walking with me."

Did he just ask her out? That's new. 

"I don't know..."

"It's just for a walk. We can talk about some things and maybe grab some lunch."

Should she trust him?


"Great. Come on. Let's go."

You hesitated but did what he asked as you closed the door and locked it. They headed downstairs to the streets and to the field where there's a picnic and some food on it. They both sat down feeling a little nervous for some reason.

"So.. what do you want to talk about?"

"Well, about you. Do you have any family or friends?"

"I....don't have one but my adoptive dad. I even have friends which is Terence, Stella, Matilda, Chuck, Bomb, and Red."

"Yeah, that guy.." Leonard murmured.

"I still though wondered why am I here and what am I doing here for. But I at least have some people that care about me." you said not hearing what he mumbled about.

"That's sweet. Oh and if you want you are more than welcome to come to the party tonight." he said handing her the ticket.

"Ah, thanks. I think I might." you said taking it.

"You know if you want to find out about your real family, you can talk to me. Maybe I can help you find them that will look like you."

"Thanks. But even if I did find them, I would still stay here where I call home."

Leonard gave her a smile as he grabbed the bottle of whine pouring it in 2 glass cups. He handed one to her as she took it.

"To us."

"To us.."

They both cheered their glass together before taking a sip. Their conversations were rather a little interesting as they talk getting to know each other little by little. It was now sunset and the party will start tonight. He is right now walking her home and up to the stairs where the door is as she thanked him for the walk and lunch. Just as she was about to head through the door when she heard the yelp coming from Leonard. He was about to fall off the stairs since it's high. With her reflexes she quickly grabbed onto his hoofs with her claws but making sure it's not digging onto his skin. She tried to fly up but fell down with him as they dropped to the ground with a loud thud. Good thing it's not serious and that none of them are injured.

Y/N groaned opening her eyes but froze to see the position they're in. She is on top of Leonard's chest with her feathered hands on his arms. Stuttering feeling her face heated up same as his as he tried to at least move away. They had a staring contest for a moment.

"S-Sorry! I'll...see you tonight!"

With that she flew off leaving him stare her off in the distance with a blush on his face.

Leonard's POV~

She gets even more interesting than I thought. There's something about her that got me wanting to talk to her.

"Boss? Are you okay?" Ross said looking at my fallen form as I quickly stood up.

"Yes. And do you have something for me?"

"Yes about Y/N. It's something that will get you even more interest in her."

Now that got me.

"Go on.."

"Where do I start? Oh yeah, she's.."


"" I gasped not believing my ears.

Y/N's POV~

I can't believe that happened. I just landed on his chest. Oh god! My face is heated up! C'Mon Y/N snap out of it! I need to at least keep an eye on the pigs before alarming Red. Leonard though...he's not..that bad... He's...kind..

"Oh man.." I sighed rubbing my face.

I look at the party ticket again thinking about it. Maybe I should go in order to keep an extra eye on the pigs and protect the birds. I place it in my drawer as I got ready placing (Y/F/F) on the side of my head. I look rather cute with the flower by my head. Taking a deep breath I turned to the building where the party is. Red be there soon because I am started to have a sudden bad feeling about going there.

The Last Blue Macaw (Red x Reader x Leonard)Where stories live. Discover now