Chapter 11 ~ It's A Trap!! Pigs Stole the Eggs!

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The knock was heard as Y/N opened the door to find Stella by the door with a smile.


"Sure. Let's go."

She then remembered Leonard will be there. Somehow she felt as if she shouldn't be there. But Red is counting on her to protect the birds from the pigs. Hoping that her dad will come to help and her friends to come back.


A dark blue night covered across the sky, as the flashes of lights move all around and loud music pounding the beat. As you are walking, your mind is telling you to go back home right now, but your body is in need of action in case something bad happen. The girls went to the tent with the few birds in and out of the tent. Mostly everyone is inside.

"Have fun, Y/N!" Stella yelled through the music running to meet up Gale and Willow.

You just stood there watching every bird dance or chat. You're not a party person and you are only here to observe and keep watch that's all. You walk inside the tent to go get some drink when a hoof grabbed you by the arm.

"Oh. Hey. Nice to see you again. We really need to stop bumping into each other." you say greeted by Leonard's frame.

"I just feel like I want to be around you more."

"That's weird.."


It went quiet again making things awkward between them.

" wanted to hang out with me or...?"

"Oh, right. That reminds me. Since you're here I just thought of I don't know lighten things up. I know you're not a party person which I could see that." he explains which Y/N find it odd.

"Really? But yeah I am not a party person. Why did you construct the party for?"

"To distrac- uh I mean get them to have fun. I also wanted to have a discussion with you again. How about you join us for a bit?"

Y/N didn't like what he spoke after that when he said distract the birds.

"Okay..well I gotta go home. I'm already tired and I really appreciate for the invite. I really need to go now and-"

You stop to see more pigs behind you, determined not to let you leave. They even held some rope. She realized that she was trapped and tricked.

"Sorry that I have to do this. You left me no choice but to take you by force." Leonard said cornering her.


Meanwhile by Mighty Eagle's home on the mountain, Red was confronting him to listen about their problem they're having. He gets annoyed to see him going out of the cave ignoring. Just as he was about to come after him, he noticed the picture on the shelf. It was the picture of Y/N and Mighty Eagle. Curious of why is she in it. Unless she knows him. He will ask him that later as he found him looking through the binoculars.

"Hello? Mighty Eagle? What are you doing?"

"I'm bird watching?"


Mighty Eagle sighed pushing him close to the binoculars so he can see but saw something he doesn't want to see. Red whined at him that he's disgusting and not helping and he argued that he is helping. But that didn't help as Red mocks him for his problem when he stopped at the sight of something interesting. He moved it closer to find the pigs taking away the eggs not only that but the pigs and Leonard are surrounding Y/N as she tried to fight back.

The Last Blue Macaw (Red x Reader x Leonard)Where stories live. Discover now