Chapter 13 ~ Let's Fly

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The pigs had landed to the Piggy Island where the island is filled with tall houses and in the middle is the big castle. Y/N was standing on board with her leg chained and Leonard was right next to her as they were wheeled away with the big cover where the eggs are hidden. 

"When I "Eat the" you say "Eggs"!" he yelled excitedly.

"Eat the-!"


"Eat the-!"


Leonard made his way up climbing over the pigs with Y/N who was forced to fly and made it to the balcony. 

"Welcome home, King Mudbeard!" the announcer pig exclaimed and the other pigs dressed Leonard with the royal cape and the crown and Y/N with a nice crown on her head and a (F/C) diamond necklace.

She was confused why she was dressed up as the king started his speech.

"My father, and my father's father, and my weird Aunt Chloe, have all searched for the eggs! But only I, King Mudbeard, have found them! I present to you... the eggs!" 

The other pig cut off the balloons that were holding the eggs. 

"A feast! I proclaim a feast tonight! But wait! There's more! I have a special lady of mine who is actually the blue macaw! Y/N!! The last kind. Our ancestors and my father have been searching for those blue macaws for years after they encounter and I have finally found one and I proclaim her as my queen!!"

"What?!" Y/N screamed, unbelieved.

All the pig citizens cheered.

"I never asked to be one. Why do you need me here for?!"

"Because you're special. And I will explain to you to what I said about the ancestors and your kind." he calmly explained which made her tense.

Y/N didn't say anything knowing she can't stop him and they will eat the eggs.

"Let's go make some omelets!" he laughed as he escorted her to the room and left her here.

She sighed jumping onto the bed feeling already tired but she need to find a way break this chain and find the eggs before it's too late.


The birds now made it to land.

"Drop your nuts and move your butts!" Red ordered jumping off immediately running up the hill.

The birds got off the boat and followed Red as they saw an enormous land filled with houses, buildings, and the big castle that Y/N saw earlier before them. Red then spotted the picture of Leonard in his royal outfit sitting on the eggs.

"Wait. Hold on a second. That guy's a king? He's gotta have the eggs and Y/N with him in the castle." Red stated.

"What the heck is the castle?!"

"That's where we're going."

"Hey, guys. Do you remember anything you learned in my class?"



"What class?"

"Well, forget all of it for now. Now it's time to let lose." Matilda said.

Red was glad as he told her that he haven't learned anything and so is Chuck and Bomb. Matilda was about to get angry again but took a deep breath.

"How are we gonna get up those walls?" Stella asked.

Red then got the idea.

"I'll tell you how. We're gonna fly."

Terence then took out the slingshot the pigs have given them and placed it on the ground, digging it for it to hold.

"Remember. The goal is the castle. Get to the castle. Who wants to go first?"

Bomb was about to go first but Matilda cut him off going first instead. They put her into the rubber band and pulled her back with it.

"Shoot it!"

"Okie doke. Fire!!"

They launched her up in the air as she went closer to the cowboy pigs that were about to sing.

"Take that porkers!!"


Matilda shoot fireballs out of her butt and exploded them.

"Well, how about that. My teacher can shoot fireballs out of her butt. You! What's your name? Hal? I've seen you do something strange before right?" Red asked as Hal made his way to the rubber band.

Hal was about to explain when he was launched into the air cutting him off. He screamed in fear as he did multiple front flips hitting the pig. He was about to hit the castle when he started coming back like a boomerang.

"Oh no. He's coming back. Duck!!" Red warned them as they did and Hal crashed his beak into the tree.

"Uh, did we win?"

"Uh, not quite there buddy. We're still tied. Hey, can we get ice pack for Hal?"

"On it!" Chuck said with first aid kits running towards Hal.

Back with Y/N in the castle. She's still in her room while trying to break this chain. But when she couldn't, she lie down on the bed to rest. Knock was heard on the door.

"May I come in?" she heard Leonard as she sighed.

"...Come in.."

He slowly opened it to make sure he wasn't attacked again fearing her for a bit.

"I'm sorry that I have to drag you into this mess, but the truth is I like you. You're amazing. Strong and kind."

Y/N never expected the confession as he blush.

"You don't have to say it. I know you're not ready."

That made her sigh in relief. But there was one thing she wanted know.

"Can you tell me about my kind that your father and ancestors have been searching??" Y/N asked rather softly.

He nodded calling Ross to grab a book. Once he came back, Leonard gave her the ancient book.  Curious as she slowly opened it and read it.

"In the Piggy Island, the young pig man was gazing at the view of the land up the hill. Suddenly, he heard a yell coming from the forest and he ran to the direction of where the voice is. When he made it he searched for someone that needs help well that is until he found a beautiful bird he had ever seen. The female blue macaw. He noticed that she was stuck by the vines and helped her out freeing her. Once she was free, she thanked him for his kindness before flying away and he never got a chance to know her name until she was gone. He had a feeling that he will meet her again and went back to town.

The young pig got up pretty quickly and headed to where he will meet her and he did as he saw her again. She became friends with the pig. They were spending time together alone with no one else in the area. Everyday they will meet and she got to meet the other pigs. They would always stay together. That is until one day she didn't come to see him, so he waited for her to come back everyday in the same spot of where he will meet her.

When he was about to walk home, he saw a male blue macaw. He told him to tell the bad news about her and apparently she died from survival of the jungle. The pig was heartbroken to hear his friend gone. He even explained that all of the birds have been dying recently and they will be extinct sadly. The last thing he has was her blue feather for the rememberance of her. He told the king of what happened to his friend that her kind had told him and he set the troops to search for the blue macaws to rescue them from extinction. So far not a single one of the bird was found. The king though never give up as he told the citizens that they will find them one day. As for the young pig he kept the feather knowing that she will always be there as he held it to his chest..."

The Last Blue Macaw (Red x Reader x Leonard)Where stories live. Discover now