The start of it all

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Riot's POV:

We'll, today's the day. After graduating this afternoon, I leave for LA. All my life I've lived in PA but for the first time, I'm on my own. My parents aren't too happy about what I'm doing. But hey, I can't please everyone. All I can think about as I walk the stage isn't about what college is gonna be like. It's will my band The Sirens make it big. My principal says the last name "Riot Rose Williams". I can see mom, dad, and my sister Sabrina smiling, knowing that this could be the last time they see me. While I'm happy to leave home, I'm gonna miss  Sabrina. I was 14 when she was born and since then, she's been my best friend. Ms. Jared goes "Congratulations to our graduating class" and everyone throws their caps in the air. Finally I'm free! I turn to my friends Cindy, Charlie, and Katie. " Well, we escaped hell" says Cindy.
"Only to go back" says Charlie and Katie. " Not me, I'm headed out tonight" I reply. All of a sudden Cindy comes up with a good question
," is Damon coming with you?"  Fuck! How could I not tell him?! Oh no, he's walking over. " Good luck" says the ladies as they walk away.

"Hey babe" says Damon. " Hey, I got something to tell you, tonight I'm going on a plane to LA and I want you to come with me". "Of course I'll... ". He gets interrupted by a girl who obviously doesn't know me comes up going "congrats baby"! "You know what never mind". I walk away fighting back tears. I walk away from my now ex and towards my future. LA prepare to know the name of Riot Rose.

Riot Rose Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ