Shot Of Brandi

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"Welcome to a Shot of Brandi! I am wearing another drinking shirt. Today my guest, who doesn't really drink, is my best friends husband, Jungle Boy!" Brandi says as Jack walks on camera. I'm sitting in a chair behind the camera, Cody giving me peppermint tea for my morning sickness and Leva having her hand on my belly.  Jack and Brandi start arguing about how he was supposed to be on then something happened while I'm holding in a laugh. "We're going back to childhood with the Shirley Temples and cheddar biscuits. Yours was 15 minutes ago, mine was 20 years ago." Brandie says while everyone in the room laughs. "I'm not even the youngest in the room, wifey is!" Jack exclaims.  The two start talking about wrestling and stuff while mixing everything together. 


"While you make the sauce we're gonna get personal!" Brandi yells after putting the biscuits in the oven. I smile as she asks the question, "If you guys don't know, Jack is married. How did you meet your lovely wife?" "I don't know if she remembers but we met backstage at a show 3 years ago. I had been a fan of her for a while, since she was an indie band in Pennsylvania.  I just said hi and ran off like "Gosh I'm an idiot!", then about 2 years ago I saw her front row. I knew it was her from the hair and I winked at her. Afterwards, Marko and I were backstage and I saw her again talking to Moxley and knew I had to get her attention. So I "accidentally" ran into her. We talked and the rest is history." "Do you guys have baby names?" "Yeah, we know what little tadpole's name is gonna be and it's a secret." "Do you know God Parents?" "Well, Riot wants you as God Mother and I asked Cody to be God Father." "I'd be honored!" I then get up and run to hug Brandi forgetting I'm in sweats and look a mess. "Oh, they're done!" Brandi exclaims as the timer goes off and has me sit back down. "Sit and put your feet up woman!" 



Junglestan123: I can't wait for junglebaby!

Sirenbabe: Jack's gonna be a great dad!! <3

SirensOfficial: I'm so glad I got to witness this! Thanks for having us B!! Luv ya! -Riot

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