Chapter 3

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"Daisy. Get. up!" yelled a voice.

"Alice, stop it!" yelled back a half-asleep Daisy.

"You'd better get up, so that you can show everyone that you're better than that sister of yours!"

This made Daisy sit up immediately. She rubbed her eyes, looked at the time and sprinted to the bathroom. Five minutes later, she emerged out, wearing her Hogwarts robes, hair in a high ponytail with her daisy clip in the side. She also added some eyeliner and lipgloss.

"I'm ready," she breathed.

"Let's go down to get our schedules and eat!" said Alice.

They went to the Great Hall to get some breakfast.

"Ooh, oatmeal! My favorite breakfast," said Alice.

Alice immediately grabbed a bowl of oatmeal and added strawberries and blueberries.

"Yay! I found my waffles!" exclaimed Daisy.

They sat together at the table and started eating in silence.

Less than two minutes later, the mail owls began to arrive.

"Oh, look at this, Daisy! I got Cauldron Cakes from home!" said a very happy Alice.

Daisy tried to smile but sadness showed in her eyes.

Alice frowned.

"Hey. Don't give me that look," said Alice.

"It's just that- well- I guess I try to hide it, but I feel kinda sad when I think about the fact that my parents never send me a thing," Daisy said.

They both looked at what Lily got. She got sugar cookies, blueberry muffins, and a letter from home that said how much their Mum and Dad much they missed her, and to share everything with her friends and Daisy. But of course, she never shared anything with Daisy. Her friends were her world.

"And of course, Tuney never sends anything because she's terrified of owls," said Daisy.

"Well, we can share my cauldron cakes, of course," said Alice.

Daisy smiled at her kind best friend.

"Are you sure you're not a Hufflepuff," Daisy asked.

Alice smirked and rolled her eyes.

"I'm not nice to everyone," she replied.

Just then, Professor McGonagall started passing out schedules. She started from the left end of the Gryffindor table, which is conveniently where Alice and Daisy were sitting.

They looked at their schedules together.

"Hmm, I've got Ancient Runes first," said Daisy.

"Oh. I've got Charms first," said Alice, sadly.

"Then I've got double Potions," said Daisy. She was fine with Potions because she was good at it, better than Lily.

"Me too! But then I've got Care of Magical Creatures-"

"Oh yes! We have the rest of today together," said Daisy.

"We have tomorrow together as well, except you've got Charms when I have Ancient Runes," said Alice.

"Oh, looks like I've got everything else with you as well!" said a smiling Daisy.

"But we don't know what Lilith and her cronies have yet," said Alice.

"Well, there's only one reasonable way to find out," said Daisy.

They both got up and walked to their separate classes. It just so happened that Lily and Mary both had Ancient Runes with Daisy.

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