Chapter 7

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Shopping time. Daisy loathed clothes shopping and anything to do with it. She would rather stay inside, curl up, and read a book next to the fireplace. This was her nature, and nothing could change it. But unfortunately, she had to go shopping because she agreed to go to the Halloween Ball with Remus.

"Do I have to?" Daisy whined.

"Yes. You absolutely do. Come on, you show interest in things completely unnecessary in life such as, hmm, let's see, Ancient Runes! Like, when will you ever need that? And then when you get to costume shopping, you totally hate it! Life skills, Daisy!" Alice exclaimed. She strongly disliked Ancient Runes for some reason.

"Ugh, fine. But I'd better be able to come back and read," Daisy said.

Alice agreed with her and the pair soon left the castle.

As they entered Hogsmeade, they discussed possible costume options. Alice wanted to be a vampire queen. Daisy couldn't decide and wanted to wait until they reached the store.

After trying costume after costume, from animals to dolls, Daisy decided what costume she was going to wear to the ball.

"Okay, I definitely know what I want to be," Daisy said. Alice raised her eyebrows.

"What's that?" She asked Daisy. Daisy held up a black dress and a black hat.

"A muggle witch," Daisy said. Alice nodded excitedly.

"Yes! That sounds fabulous! I'll also help you do your make up." Alice clapped her hands together.

"Okay, what about you?" Daisy asked, gesturing to all the costumes. Alice sighed.

"I don't know what to wear, I like all of them!" Alice said, throwing her hands in the air. Daisy laughed at her friend. Alice was so dramatic sometimes. She knew that Alice was very excited, this would be her first time attending the ball, and Alice was going with Sirius freaking Black.

"Okay, I think I'm going to go as a cat." Alice settled on a costume. Daisy looked at her confused.

"I thought you wanted to be a vampire queen?" Daisy said. Alice shrugged.

"Change my mind." They paid for their costumes and walked out of the store and back to the castle.

After changing into her costume, she walked down the stairs and met Remus downstairs in front of the great hall. He was dressed as a muggle wizard. Daisy had told him she was going as a muggle witch, so he dressed up as a muggle wizard to match with her.

"You look nice," Remus said to her. Daisy smiled back and they walked in the great hall hand in hand. Daisy also saw Alice and Sirius. Sirius was dressed as a wolf, wait, a dog. Daisy thought it was cute that Alice was a cat and Sirius was a dog. The two of them were bickering here, bickering there. Daisy chuckled.

"What?" Remus asked her. She gestured towards Sirius and Alice. Remus let out a laugh. The two glided on to the dance floor, the place where they usually put the four tables but was removed just for the evening, they started dancing to the song. Daisy was actually having a lot of fun. After a while, Remus was too tired, and so was Daisy.

"Hey, Daisy, do you want some drinks? I could get some for us?" Remus offered. Daisy smiled at him.

"OF course, thank you, Remus." He nodded and walked over to the refreshment table. Daisy wandered around and saw Sirius and Alice, still arguing.

"Hey, you two." She said. They both looked relieved to see her.

"Hey, having fun with Remus?" Sirius asked he was still angry at Remus. Daisy nodded. They chatted for a bit, then Daisy headed back to find Remus. On the way across the dance floor, she bumped into some girl.

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