Chapter 36

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"Daisy! James!" Sirius yelled as he ran into the Gryffindor common room drenched in water. Marlene looked up from far away. She had a sly grin on her face, Sirius did look pretty good all wet...

Daisy looked up alarmed. "What is it?" She was just chatting with Marlene, the two had become friends during the semester.

"I- found- out something," he said gasping for breath.

"Really? You just realized that you're an idiot?" Marlene joked. Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Actually, I found out about that years ago..." Sirius mumbled and Marlene laughed.

"About the jewels?" Daisy asked pointing at the jewels he was clutching tightly.

He vigorously nodded and sat down next to Daisy on the couch in front of the fireplace. Marlene knew they needed time to think so she left the room to find Lily.

"Where's James?" he asked.

"Oh, him? I honestly have no clue," Daisy said. She knew he was probably with Lily or something. She pretended not to care, but Sirius saw right through her.

Sirius shrugged and put the jewels in between them.

"I was walking around the lake trying to think of more things we could do with the jewels." He began. Daisy raised her eyebrows. She was surprised that Sirius was finally starting to put effort in thinking about the jewels.

Daisy nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"Well, a Blast-Ended Skrewt that seemed to have escaped started chasing me. I dropped the jewels and started running. Then, I realized I DROPPED THE JEWELS so I had to dive into the lake to retrieve them. Suddenly, they opened! I didn't have enough time to see what they did, I just got out and ran over here." He said all in one breath.

Daisy slowly thought about what he said and she grinned.

"So the jewels only work in water! Sirius you're a genius!" Daisy shouted.

"I know I'm a genius." Sirius said. Daisy rolled her eyes, but she was secretly proud of him.

Daisy beamed at him. "That's brilliant! All we have to do is go to the prefect's bathroom and take a little swim. Or we can go to the lake, but I'd rather not."

Sirius agreed with her. "But we still don't know where James is."

Daisy became a little concerned but she didn't show it. "He'll show up."

Sirius nodded and just then James walked in, looking like he was just in a fight with who knows who.

"Where were you?" Sirius asked James as he made his way over to where they were sitting.

"Lily," He mumbled, not looking very happy. His girlfriend was just such a drama queen sometimes.

Daisy was oblivious to his unhappiness. "Of course it was Lily. She's more important to you then the tournament." Daisy said, a bit angry.

"N-No that's not it!" James said turning red.

Sirius sighed and got in between them.

"James, apologize for acting like Lily is your world. Daisy, apologize for jumping to conclusions," he said.

"Sorry," they both mumbled at the same time, not meeting each other's eyes.

"Wonderful! Now Daisy, can you tell James what I so graciously found out?" he asked clapping.

Daisy gave James a quick relay of what happened with Sirius.

James smiled and said, "That's wonderful, Sirius! You actually have a brain!" Sirius sighed.

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