Chapter 13

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"First things first. You slipped sleeping draught into Daisy and Alice's pumpkin juice?" Marlene asked in awe, looking at Lily.

"That's right! Severus told me how to make it," Lily said proudly.

Marlene shook her head and chuckled.

"I'm sorry, but you're turning into a version of the Marauders," Marlene said.

"No, I'm not. I'm just doing what I have to," Lily snapped. But then she looked down. She was nervous about this whole situation, breaking school rules definitely wasn't her style, and she was super afraid if they got caught. But for the sake of Mary, she was going to do it.

"Okay, okay. Go and get the potion now," Marlene said to Lily.

Lily went and got the vial of potion from Severus and the duo quickly went to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

"Are you ready?" Marlene asked.

"I've been ready forever. Let's do this!" Lily said.

They took big swigs of their potion. Marlene gagged and ran into a stall. Lily, however, stayed there and looked in the mirror. She became slightly shorter and her hair became a bit longer.

"Marlene, are you okay?" she asked in Daisy's voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine," replied Alice's voice.

"Okay. Remember, this will last us for about an hour. Let's hurry," Lily said.

They quickly hurried to the Library where they knew Mary would be waiting for Daisy and Alice.

But they waited and waited, and Mary didn't appear. Mary was wasting their time. Finally, she came.

"What took you so long! You're ten minutes late!" Marlene (Alice) said angrily.

"Sorry," Mary said sheepishly, hanging her head.

"Mhm. Don't do this again." Lily (Daisy) said bossily.

The two of them were being extra harsh and mean to Mary, and Mary could feel it.

"Okay, I won't," Mary said quickly.

Mary nodded. The trio started studying and doing homework, just as they used to do before everything fell apart.

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back," Mary said after about twenty minutes.

After Mary was gone, Lily (Daisy) started talking to Marlene (Alice).

"We need to say bad things about Mary to make her feel like we don't actually like her," Lily (Daisy) said.

"Clever," Marlene (Alice) said.

Lily (Daisy) nodded.

"I'll cue you when she comes in," Lily (Daisy) said.

Marlene nodded and the two of them waited.

Lily (Daisy) suddenly cued Marlene (Alice).

"Daisy, don't you think Mary is so full of herself?" Marlene (Alice) asked.

Just then, Mary got so close that she could hear them.

"Yeah, I mean, we're only friends with her because we're nice enough. I'm good enough with you," Lily (Daisy) said.

"Aww, thanks," Marlene (Alice) said.

They were about to hug each other when they saw a very hurt Mary standing in front of them.

"What was that about?" she asked.

"W-We didn't mean that," Lily (Daisy) said, her voice quivering.

Another Flower || James PotterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora