Chapter 39

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"Okay, so we need a solution to this weird mist thing." James said. The three were in the library, putting their heads together to think of a good plan to get threw the last and final task.

"Yeah, it's just weird. I mean, I red every single book in the library, and I'm not exaggerating. I never read something like that before." Daisy said, frowning slightly. It was weird. Very weird. This was probably going to be the hardest task they would have to go through.

Sirius and James shared a smile. Of course Daisy would read every single book in the library, she was Daisy, after all. Daisy had probably went through the restricted area too, a teacher must have signed a slip for her. Daisy was just brilliant, it was shame that Daisy had never read something like that before.

", Dumbledore said he had cast an ancient spell. Ancient. So a very old spell. Let's look around and find some ancient spell books. Maybe we can find clues there." Sirius said, standing up. The three stood up and pulled out books that talked about ancient spells.

The ancient spell books were...magical. The spells inside were very interesting, and James and Sirius shared a small smile again. These were great for some big pranks. For their next prank, they would defiantly have to use these. Daisy rolled her eyes, knowing what they were thinking.

A lot of the spells and charms in the books talked about mists, but none talked about the kind of mist they were facing. Daisy was right, it wasn't in any of the books in the library.

"Maybe...Dumbledore didn't just cast one spell. He casted many spells. Like he cast a lot of ancient spells at one time, making something like that." Daisy said. Sirius and James looked at her, that was very possible.

"But...which spells? There could be million of possibilities. We have no clue." James said. Daisy sucked on her sugar quill, thinking hard. Daisy was smart. She really was. She was the brightest witch there probably was, but she had never faced something like this.

"Maybe, maybe it's a potion!" Sirius said. Daisy shook her head.

"No, it's not. Dumbledore told us specifically, that it's a spell. Also, I looked last night, and ancient potions don't make mists, they make stuff like the muggles think what magic is. Ancient potions aren't really powerful, they really don't do anything to be honest with you." Daisy said.

Sirius let out a small groan, feeling very disappointed.

What are we going to do?

"What if... what if there is no counter curse to this weird spell?" James suddenly asked. Daisy frowned.

"No, thats impossible. There must be one. The judges wouldn't cast something without a counter curse!" Daisy exclaimed, a bit too loudly, since Madam Pince glared at her. Daisy mumbled a small 'sorry' softly and turned bright red.

"I mean, Dumbledore did say that only those with strong wills can get through. So, all we have to do is get through together. Stay strong willed. Stay together. And we can get through." James said. Sirius sighed.

"We all went weird when we got near. So how is it possible that we past through it. Hate to break it to you James, but all three of us kind of went dreamy, so I think none of us are strong enough to past through." Sirius said. Daisy frowned.

"Wait a second, I think I got it..." Daisy started flipping though a big book, going through the pages.

"What are you looking for?" Sirius asked. Daisy didn't answer him. She finally looked at a page and a smile appeared on her face.

"Sirius, you're half right!" Daisy said happily. Sirius looked up, looking hopeful.

"What do you mean I'm half right?" Sirius asked, looking at Daisy.

"Well, you said that Dumbledore had made a potion, and the potion was what that cause the mist. Well, you're half right. The mist is caused by a charm and a potion! Look!" Daisy pointed excitedly at a page in the huge book. The boys towered behind her and stared at the page.

The Caligo Charm

It creates a big mist.

Add the Somnia potion and it will create a mist that makes those who enter go in a trance, or have a dream. The person might float in the air.

"I can't believe I almost missed it!" Daisy said, clapping her hands together, earning another glare from Madam Pince. James looked at Daisy in wonder. Daisy always seemed to be able to impress him. She was always able to surprise him. The more he spent time with her, the more he seemed to like Daisy.

Am I falling for Daisy Evans?

Not right now, focus on the task!

"Daisy, you are a genius!" Sirius barked and grinned widely. Daisy just smiled and fist bumped with Sirius. It was a wonder. The two used to date, but now they were like best friends. James didn't really mind her friendship with Sirius before, but these few days, he started getting a bit annoyed that Daisy seemed to be more comfortable with Sirius.

Does she like him?

Don't think about that, focus on the task!

"What's the counter curse?" James asked quickly. The three looked down at the page.

Counter curse: Once you float out of the mist, you slowly get back in reality. Those with strong willed can stay conscious and get going.

The three looked at each other.

Just great.

"So, it doesn't really have a counter curse then. We just have to stay strong willed." James said, sighing deeply. Daisy just looked at the book. She was always just used to books helping her, but this time, the book didn't have an answer for her.

"We are so dead." Sirius said groaning, his head falling down to the book.

Yes, we really are so dead.

"So, basically, we just have to stay strong willed." Sirius said. Their group were all huddled downstairs in the Gryffindor common room, and everybody could feel the tension in the room.

The day before the final task. Alice was cuddled up with Frank, Marlene with Sirius, Mary and Remus. Everybody was just praying for some miracle to happen. When Daisy signed up for the tournament, she had absolutely no idea that she would have to face stuff like these.

What if someone gets hurt? I can never forgive myself if Sirius or James gets hurt.


Daisy had stopped to think of James for a while now. James would never like her. Never. He was still reacting over his breakup with Lily, and James never looked at her that way.

Daisy just wanted the relationship she and James had right now. Best friends, close, partners. James was a great person. He really was. He was brave, nice, and Daisy just didn't want to ruin anything.

"Daisy, can I talk to you?" James suddenly asked. He was sitting beside Peter, and he motioned at Daisy to get up. Daisy nodded and got up. She was curious what James wanted to talk about.

"Daisy..." James finally spoke up. They had walked for what seemed like hours. They walked around Hogwarts, and James just looked like he wanted to say something, but it couldn't come out. Daisy didn't bother him and the two of them walked around.

"Yeah?" Daisy asked. James clearly had something to say.

"Can I try something?" James asked quietly. Daisy nodded slowly, not knowing what he was going to try out.

James leaned in and kissed her.

Merlin's pants!

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