Chapter 34

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Daisy was in the library, she was super tired, and she felt like she could fall asleep any second. If it wasn't for Sirius and James sitting beside her, she might have already fallen asleep.

"This is impossible!" Sirius groaned, trowing his jewel to the other side of the room, which caused the two other jewels to roll over with it.

"Woah, let's not try to destroy any of these." James walked over to the ground and picked the jewels up. Daisy had no idea why James was so awake after doing so much researching. James seemed like he was never tired, well then again, he drank three cups of coffee that morning, so maybe that would explain it.

The three were in the library, doing the research for the second task. They actually still had a lot of time to prepare, and the yule ball was happening a week later, but Daisy said that they better start working because they were really behind, and if they really wanted to win, they really had to work harder.

"What the hell is wrong with these? Their unbreakable and inseparable." Sirius mumbled under his breath, which James frantically flipped through pages in the book. They had probably looked through thousands of books by now. Before she knew it, Daisy's eye lids closed, and everything closed.

Daisy woke up, on her bed. She rubbed her eyes and looked around, the other girls were still alseep. She remembered what happened yesterday and she regretted that she fell asleep. Sometimes she felt like she wasn't a good leader, and that James and Sirius were more responsible than her.

Daisy was insecure all the time and she knew it. She was never sure of what she was doing was wrong or right, and she really, really wished she wasn't. Her sister Lily was the complete opposite, Lily was always sure of what she was doing, maybe, just maybe, that was what kind of girl James admired.

Daisy fell asleep just thinking of all that, and she didn't forget one thing, she still needed a dance partner for the yule ball.

Who would go with her?

"Daisy, wait up!" Daisy turned around and saw a familiar.

"Oh, hey Doha." She grinned slightly Doha Krum. The guy was incredibly handsome when he was speaking English. The international quidditch seeker had a perfect accent, and Daisy thought it was really cool.

"So, do you have a date yet?" Doha asked. Daisy sighed and shook her head.

"I'm sure people asked you?" Doha asked. Daisy nodded slowly.

"Yeah...but I mean...I don't want my yule ball date just to be anyone. I want to go with someone I actually appreciate." Daisy said. Doha nodded.

"Well, sorry....but I need to go. Nice chatting with you." Daisy smiled softly and left Doha standing there.

Doha Krum frowned. Daisy just left. That was something that never happened to him. Doha was a famous seeker, and girls never left him there. Daisy gave him a different feeling, she was beautiful inside and out, and she just didn't see it. He really wanted to get to know her better. After frowing behind her back for like ten minutes, he left. In the corner of his eye, he saw the famous James Potter leaning on the wall on the corner, trowing back at Doha.

That was weird.

In the afternoon, Daisy just happened to run into Doha again. He wasn't alone, Abram Sioux was beside him. Daisy recognised the guy because he was also in the tournament. They didn't really talk thought.

"Hey." Daisy smiled politely. Doha grinned.

"This is Abram, one of my best friends." Doha said. Abram smiled brightly at Daisy.

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