Chapter 28

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James Potter was in heaven.

After years of hard work, years of trying to make himself better, years of pursing her, Lily Evans finally agreed to go put with him. The feeling was incredible. It was absolutely amazing. He felt like he could control everything, he was the king of the world.

He walked inside the great hall with a wide smile on his face, and all around him, people were congratulating him, and he smiled even brighter. He sat down at the Gryffindor table, and in the corner of his eye, he saw Lily sitting there, besides Marlene, and she caught his eye and slightly blushed.

She's so perfect.

Then Daisy Evans walked in the great hall, surprisingly with Amos Diggory besides her. Daisy Evans was also one amazing girl. She was the key that let James finally have a chance with Lily. James really had no idea how to thank Daisy. He was sure this was going to be an amazing year, already with an amazing start, and Daisy him and Sirius were definitely going to get chosen.

Then suddenly, everything just kind of stopped, and Amos kissed Daisy, full on the lips.

James jaw dropped.

What the actual hell?

Amos Diggory had a reputation at Hogwarts, not exactly good. He was really handsome according to the standards from the girls in Hogwarts, and he played wih girls all the time. Daisy was smart, she would never go out with someone like him. She was the kind of girl who would go out with someone like... James himself.

Daisy's first reaction was pushing Amos away. She didn't like it when boys or girls she didn't really knew touch her so touch.

I mean who would?

"Are you serious? What the hell, Amos?" She screamed. Amos just shrugged sheepishly. Daisy glared at him. She should have never trusted him to walk her here, and now everyone would think they were dating or something. Daisy had enough stuff to deal with right now, and she really didn't have time to deal with Amos.

"Just go away, will you?" Daisy said, rolling her eyes. Amos sighed and walked away.

"I tried. People are right. You really are a prude." Amos said. Daisy stiffened.

"What did you say?" She asked, her voice quiet but quite clear.

"I said, people are right, you really are a prude." Daisy felt her whole mood change, and at that moment, she didn't clear that everyone was watching, she swung her fist up and directed it Amos. Girls gasped and some even ran up to Amos and tried to fix his face. Daisy rolled her eyes and headed to the Gryffindor table, sitting down.

"Well, she's in a bad mood." Remus said quietly, and James nodded quietly. Sirius though, didn't say a word. He had been observing Daisy all day since James asked Lily out, and Sirius was also an expert when it came to love, so he had one conclusion.

Daisy Evans had a crush on James Potter.

Today was the day that the foreigners arrive. Daisy was in detention for punching Amos, so she wasn't there when they arrived. She really couldn't care less. Did it even matter? She really couldn't face anyone right now, especially James.

"Alright, Ms. Evans. You may go." Professor Sprout said. Daisy nodded and left the classroom, heading to the great hall. She realized that the foreigners were all seated in different houses. She headed over and sat down at the Gryffindor, only to fine a bunch of boys she thought were from Durmstrang. On the other side, their were girls, who looked absolutely gorgeous, which she recognized as girls from Beauxbatons.

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