Chapter 35

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"Wait what?" Mary's eyes widened.

"Your date is Doha Krum and you decided to tell us on the day of the ball?" Alice basically screamed in Daisy's face. Daisy winced.

"I'm sorry?" Daisy said innocently, batting her eyelashes. Mary groaned and shook Daisy's shoulders violently.

"Girl, we need to get ready, starting right now!" Alice said, grabbing Daisy's arm.

"Wait, right now? It's like six o'clock in the morning!" Daisy asked. Alice and Mary shared an eye roll and turned to Daisy.

"YES!" They said at the same time.

After two hours of shopping, the finally found the perfect dress for Daisy.

It. was. absolutely. gorgeous. Daisy wasn't sure of getting it at first, because the dress was pure white, it was long and sparkly, going all down her legs. Daisy didn't really like it at first, because she was a red head, and the dress robe was all white, but her friends insisted it looked good on her.

She also chose a pair of glass slippers, it was beautiful, which reminded her of the muggle fairytale Cinderella, where the princess also had a pair of glass slippers like these. There were two silver diamonds engraved on it, and it wasn't expensive, so Daisy chose it immediately.

Daisy then took out the only thing her mother ever bothered to get for her, which was a beautiful gold necklace, it had a small locker on it, which Daisy had kept a small picture of her and Lily. It was probably the only picture she had with both her and her twin. They looked so cute and happy in the picture, both only four years old, and happy, playing with each other.

"Now, let's do your makeup!" Mary said excitedly. Daisy rolled her eyes. She had no idea why her friends liked dressing up. It was always so tiring to Daisy.

"Oh my god, look amazing!" Alice squealed. Daisy turned around and checker herself in the mirror.

"Whoah." She said, her eyes widened. Her usually messy red hair was now beautifully curled down, pulled back with a. crystal tiara where she had no idea how her friends had bought that. Mary had applied some blush all over her face and some light eyeliner which actually looked pretty good. Alice had applied some lip stick that matched her light red hair, and Daisy actually looked really decent.

"Thanks guys!" She smiled, giving her two friends big hugs. She then looked at the clock in the girls dormitory wall.

"Merlin's beard! I still have a minute until I'm suppose to meet Doha! Bye!" She quickly ran downstairs. Mary and Alice both shared an eye roll again for the second time that day.

"Hey." Daisy said. She had found Doha standing at a corner. She slowly walked closer to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hello! You look gorgeous." Doha took her hadn't and kissed it, making Daisy blush.

"Thank you. My friends helped me. You look great too." She said. Doha did look great, all dressed in Bulgaria robes. Doha nodded and brushed his robes. He extended a hand to Daisy.

"Shall we go down?" Doha asked. Daisy grinned and nodded.

"I'm nervous. I'm not a good dancer." She said softly. Doha frowned and shook his head.

"Do not be nervous. The worlds best dancer is standing right beside you. I will guide you." Doha said. Daisy smiled and let out a small chuckle. In the corner of her eye she saw a couple walking down the stairs. Daisy's smile immediately went down to a small frown when she saw who it was.

James and Lily.

Lily looked absolutely gorgeous. She was in red robes that matched her red hair, and she was walking in very high heels so that her height now was the same as James. Her make up was scary beautiful. Like always, Lily was stunning.

"Is that your sister?" Doha asked. Daisy nodded.

"She's very pretty." Doha said in his deep voice. Daisy felt a deep hole in her stomach. That was all Doha said. Maybe he meant it in a polite way? It was just all too much. Daisy just nodded.

When the walked into the entrance of the great hall, heads turned and everyone wanted to see who was Doha's date. Daisy didn't like to be stared at. She hated it. Lily loved it. When Lily's eyes met hers, Daisy could see that her twin was angry. Daisy had stole Lily's thunder once again.

"Hold your head high, Daisy. Be proud." She heard Doha whisper to her. Daisy didn't say anything. She saw Alice and Mary at a side, giving her a thumbs up. She nodded at them.

The dance started. All the time, James didn't look at Daisy, which was weird. He should have at least smiled at her.

What kind of friend is he?

Sirius did though. He grinned at her, it was a mischief grin. Sirius was planning something, or he was forming something in his head. Daisy knew him too well.

Then they had to switch partners, and Daisy landed in Sirius arms.

"Hey Sirius." She finally smiled freely.

"So, Krum? International quidditch star! Daisy you did good!" Sirius said. Daisy rolled her eyes.

"Yeah sure. Hey, do you know why James doesn't even look at me. And like, this round, I should actually be dancing with him and not you, no offense. I mean, its weird." Daisy said, her voice trailing off. Sirius laughed and shared a look with Marlene.

"What?" Daisy asked, punching him on the arm.

"'ll have to find out for yourself." Sirius said, grinning slyly and pushed her into another person, maybe a date of one of the girl's date.

It was time for dinner. It was a magnificent sight. They could order their own food, which was new to all of them. They had to say a dish to the plate, and it would provide something for them. Daisy thought carefully. She really didn't want tp eat anything, but it would be impolite to not order anything.

"Roast chicken?" She asked uncertainty. It appeared.

"In Durmstrang....we....." To be honest, Daisy really wasn't listening to what Doha was saying. He kept talking and Daisy didn't have time top cut in to say anything.

"Doha! Let's not spill all our secrets to your charming friend!" The Durmstarng headmaster barked at Doha. Doha lowered this head then kept talking.

That was when Daisy realized that James was glaring at her. She frowned. Now what had she done? She was about to open her mouth to hiss something at James when she realized that he wasn't glaring at her, he was glaring at Doha.

That's weird.

Sirius was grinning ear to ear.

James and Lily went on to the dance floor once again and all eyes were on them. They really did look like the perfect couple, both smiling and having the best of the time. James head just wasn't on the game though. He wasn't feeling well, and he actually didn't want to dance. Lily had pulled him onto the dance floor.

He kept thinking of Daisy.

Why though?

Daisy returned to the girl's dormitory feeling weird. She had an okay night, not as bad as she thought it would be, but not good either. Doha was way to self centered sometimes.

All he kept doing was talking about himself, Durmstrang, Bulgaria, and it just wasn't the kind of date Daisy preferred. She would want someone that actually let her talk to him.

Doha was nice, but not Daisy's type. Defiantly not. Which kind of guy was Daisy's type? James....

"So? How was it?" Mary and Alice asked eagerly. Daisy waved them off, which was a cue to tell them that she wasn't feeling the best at the moment. In the corner of her eye she saw Lily, glaring at her, like always.

She just wished everything could be back to normal, where everyone was happy and they didn't have to fight all the time. They could all love each other and stop glaring.

Why did I even sign up for the tournament in the first place?

Right, James.

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