Chapter 37

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Sirius was fine.

Thank gods.

He looked horrible though. Scars, scratches were all around him, and he looked weak, not at all like Sirius. Marlene sobbed when she saw her and quickly ran to his side.

"I'm okay." He said, trying to grin. James and Daisy sat beside him while Madam Pomfrey healed him. He was back to his normal self, joking and trying to think of the next person to prank.

"I told you that the bubble head charm was not stable..." Sirius said. Daisy and James looked at each other. They really should have listened to him. If they had, Sirius wouldn't have been in this condition now.

"We're really, really sorry." Daisy sighed. Sirius shrugged, but started to laugh again.

"Well, what are you two waiting for, go set up a party!" Sirius shouted. Marlene raised her eyebrows. Maybe Sirius really had gone mad.

"We won this time, go party you two!" Sirius said. Daisy rolled her eyes and James just laughed.

Lily Evans had always wanted to be the best. She wants to be at the top, number one, always. No matter what. And she had got what she wanted, that was...until her sister decided to change. For four years, she had hid her twin sister, but her twin sister decided that it was time to show herself.

And her twin overshadowed her. Daisy was everything Lily wasn't, and Lily knew it. Daisy was beautiful, and she was smart. Lily could never compete with her. When they were kids, they were the best of friends. But after they got into Hogwarts, Lily just wanted to have her own friends, do her own stuff.

There were two things Lily thought she would always have. One, her parents love. He parents had always loved her the most. They cared for the most, and Lily didn't know why. But she liked the fact that she could always count on her mother and father. It was a good feeling.

The second thing was James Potter. James Potter had a crush on her since first year. He had courted her, asked her out again and again, and she decided to play the game with him, but finally, at her final year, she decided to say yes. She was finally happy. She liked James, she really did. He was a good guy.

It was party time, Sirius, James and Daisy had won, and she was happy for James, but she wasn't happy that James hadn't paid attention to her for the entire time.

James and Lily had gotten into a fight the other day. James had asked her to be nicer to her sister, and Lily just didn't want to listen to any of that.

James was laughing and talking to Daisy, and the two of them looked truly happy. Then it just struck Lily. She realized everything.

She had known that Daisy like James. Everyone could see that. Even someone blind could probably tell. But she had always thought that James was hers. But the way James looked at Daisy wasn't the same way he looked at anyone else. James looked at Daisy like she was a jewel. He looked at her as he really adored her.

Lily also realized how bad she was to her sister. She was so mean, and she did bad things these past years. Mary, Alice, Daisy, Marlene, they all didn't deserve it. They were all good people, and Lily had pushed them away. Lily just wanted someone to like her. She

Lily decided to go for a walk. And she broke down crying. Lily wasn't a bad person, she really wasn't. She was just insecure, and mean. But she really wasn't. And she was going to do the right thing.

She was going to let James go.

She was going to mend everything with her sister. That was what Daisy deserved. Daisy was a good person.

"Hey James, can I talk to you for a second?" Lily asked. James was in the library, working on a potions essay. He looked really frustrated, and Lily didn't want to bother him, but this had to be done.

"Right now Lily? I'm in the middle of something." James was still a little annoyed by her. They had a big fight before the second task, so James was still a bit angry. He just didn't get his girlfriend sometimes.

"Yes. Right now." Lily said, her voice quivering. James looked up. Lily was usually not like this. She looked fragile and weak. James sighed and nodded.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his voice softer this time. Lily took a deep breath and looked at him. She had to do this. It was for her and James's own good.

"Listen, James. I'm really happy...for everything you've done for me. I really appreciate it. All of it. Thank you. But... I think that our relationship...just doesn't work anymore." Lily said. James's face turned into a huge frown.

"What?" he sputtered. He had no words. Lily was breaking up with him? Lily slowly nodded, and James frown deepened. Was this a joke of some kind.

"Lily....Is this because of the fight, because I'm really, really sorry." He quickly apologized, thought he wasn't as sorry as he said. Lily quickly shook her head. It wasn't about the fight. It was about everything.

"Look James. Everybody knows I'm a mean, selfish person. I know. And you know. I have to do the right thing. Although part of me wants to hold on to you, I can't. You deserve better." Lily stated. James sighed.

"Lily, have you gone mad? You're not mean! You're not selfish!" James tried defending her. Lily shook her head.

"You do know that I have been a horrible person to my sister and to your friends all this time. Its time I stop. Listen James, I see the way you look at Daisy. Go get her." Lily then left, just like that.

It was a weird feeling for James. James had always wanted Lily. Lily was just perfect for him. He had pictured the two of them. Together forever. Dating..getting married, then children. He had never pictured anybody else the the two of them. He had always thought that he would cry, get depressed if Lily ever broke up with him.

But he wasn't. It was like it was a fresh start. He was happy that Lily finally realized everything. She was a good person. She just didn't realize it before.

Daisy was shocked. Lily broke up with James? How was that possible? Then again, it was Lily, so anything was possible.

The whole school was shocked. They all thought that Lily and James were going to last forever, the two of them were the golden couple! But Lily broke it off, and James didn't seem sad or depressed. He had a weird expression on his face, but he looked okay. Defiantly not how Daisy thought he would react. She thought that he would cry his eyes out.

Lily looked okay too. She had been really silent these days, not really talking, keeping to herself, and just looking somewhat cheerful. So maybe the two of them really weren't meant to be.

Daisy just hoped that her friend and her sister were okay. Then her sister did another unbelievable thing.

She apologized to Daisy Marlene, Mary, Alice, Remus, Peter and Sirius.

It was a magnificent sight.

"I wanted you guys to meet me down here, because I really want to apologize. I'm incredibly sorry for what I've done these past years. I was a fool, a mean, selfish girl, and I lied, I did all kinds of horrible things, I've pushed my friends away, and I'm just, super, super sorry. I really am. And I know you guys probably will never forgive me, but-

Lily was out of breath but Daisy stopped her.

"Who said no one was going to forgive you?" She asked, a small grin on her face. Lily's face broke into a huge smile. The two sisters hugged and their friends all laughed.

"Friends again?" Mary asked. It had been so long since Mary and Lily hung out together as friends. It was a good feeling.

"We are all friends." Alice cut in.

"Always?" Marlene asked, smiling. She was happy for Lily. Marlene was near Sirius, and Sirius gingerly took his girlfriend's hand.

"Always." He answered and Peter jumped up and down. James was looking at them all from the staircase and he smiled. It was truly a beautiful time for all of them.

Lily wasn't the bad guy after all. She never was.

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