Chapter 26

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Alice Forrester never fought with Daisy. They occasionally had a few rows, but they were never too often nor to big. The two were inseparable, and they helped each other, and before fourth year, the two were very unpopular, so fighting was definitely not an option for them.

Then, Mary came along to be their best friend too in fifth year. Daisy happily agreed to be Mary's friend, she was way too nice some times, and Alice thought that Mary was cool, so she agreed too. Never had Alice thought that Mary would start causing problems. She didn't know that Mary would get into the friendship between her and Daisy.

Then Daisy and Mary talked to her about not spending enough time with them, and spending too much time with Frank! Nonsense, she was their best friend, she spent all the time with them, and a bit with Frank! She just didn't get it, where was the bug?

Then Mary exploded and Alice got mad! How dare she! Mary had never been nice to them until Lily ditched her, and here she was saying that Alice was being a bad friend? Then Daisy did something unforgivable and it broke Alice's heart. She chose Mary over Alice. Daisy Evans chose Mary, the kid who only been friends with them for two years, over Alice, her best friend since forever.

Alice was broken and didn't know what to say. Daisy was becoming to be like Lily. Or probably Mary twisted her mind. Or maybe, Daisy was just jealous that Alice had a loving boyfriend while she kept having relationship problems. She had no idea, but she was sad and angry, but then again she didn't know what to do. Daisy and Mary didn't approach her to talk and Alice didn't want to approach them to talk either.

It went on for a whole week of friends cold battle until somebody couldn't stand it, and it was Frank himself. One night the two were in the Gryffindor common room cuddled up on the comfiest armchair when Frank popped up the question.

"Alice, why are you never with Daisy and Mary anymore?" He asked gently. Alice froze right down on the spot. She hadn't told Shawn about the fight between her and the girls. Nobody actually knew because it happened on the train, and the three girls didn't liked to gossip, so everybody was still wondering why Alice was apart from Daisy and Mary.

"It's no big deal." Alice waved it all, twirling her hair and biting her lip nervously. Frank raised his eyebrows, unconvinced.

"If it's no big deal then why do you seem so down everyday. Why do you keep looking at them like you want to talk to them then stop in your tracks?" Frank asked. Alice didn't say anything. Frank was such a good boyfriend, he knew everything she was doing, and he knew her a bit too well.

"It's just...we just got into a disagreement." She answered, that was true.

"As in a fight?" Frank asked. She nodded.

"A big one?" He asked on. She hesitated, but then nodded, he would find out sooner or later. Frank then asked,

"Did they bully you or something, gang on you?" Frank was friends with Daisy, but he wasn't close with Mary and he didn't know what she was cable of, he didn't know what the two did to his girlfriend. Alice frantically shook her head.

"No, they didn't bully me. They just said that I wasn't being a good friend." Alice said slowly. Frank immediately knew where this was going. He had also noticed this after they started dating for awhile, and he actually wanted to talk to her about it, but never got the chance, and plus, he didn't want to hurt her.

"Because, they think you weren't spending enough time with them, and spending too much time with me?" Frank asked, looking at his girlfriend waiting for her reaction. Alice gaped at Frank.

"How do you know? Were you listening on our conversation?" She asked.

Or maybe he just knows me too well, oh Frank.

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