Chapter 10

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Chan was now sitting in the closet comfortably, with Felix sitting right in front of him. The boy looked kind of tense to him so he reassured him, to calm his nerves. "So, how long have you been in Korea for?" he began, making sure they had an actual conversation—instead of just sitting there.

The boy—Felix—seemed to stutter, thinking of which words to use when talking. "Uhm— I think— No, I know... for about two years now?" He felt extremely embarrassed. Usually, he can form a sentence quite well, but he was feeling nervous. He always felt nervous when meeting new people—and even though they had seen each other at school multiple times, they never talked. Seungmin and Jisung were his only friends. The only ones who cared for him when he joined their class. "W-what about you?"

"I've lived here for almost ten years now. It's crazy how time flies," Chan said above slight chuckle.

Felix's mouth fell open. He was amazed—yet shocked—to know that Chan had lived here for ten years already. That was such a long time, and he was probably very young when he moved. Felix felt conflicted on what to think, Chan looked happy yet sad at the same time. "D-don't you miss your family," he stuttered once again, not feeling too confident yet.

"I do miss them a lot, but one has got to chase their dreams, right? And I wanted to chase mine, with still being able to have an education," Chan spoke encouraging words. "That's why I go to school here as well,"

"I relate to that! I'm also here because I believe one should follow their dreams, for as far as they're possible, of course," Felix said enthusiastically. He began to feel more comfortable than tense in Chan's presence.

Chan let out a chuckle at the last bit of Felix's sentence, because he was right. "Exactly," He also felt the boy loosen up more, for which he felt glad. Felix's Korean was actually really good so Chan didn't understand why the boy felt so insecure or shy about it. "You should really be more confident in yourself! I know speaking korean is hard, but you're doing just fine." Chan spoke up, reassuring Felix of said facts.

Plus, besides that small fact, Felix was good looking. He was also smart and humble—and also known to be very generous.

Felix found Chan a very kindhearted human being. He hadn't been in Korea for that long yet so he didn't know how Chan used to act—towards his friends, Jisung and Seungmin—but he now knew the boy had a pure heart. He spoke very comforting words and knew how to make someone appreciate themselves. This was how he aspired to be. "Thank you! You're very kind,"

Chan just sent the boy an adorable eye-smile as his dimples showed. "I was very lucky to have met Minho the moment I got here," Chan chuckled. "He literally saved me," he let out a soft sigh of relief. "You and I probably wouldn't be sitting here if I hadn't met him,"

"What do you mean?" Felix seemed confused. Nothing bad could've possible happened, right?

Chan was now reminiscing that exact moment. The moment of his arrival at Korea—a map in hand as he left the airport. Yes, a map in hand—very old-fashioned—yet he had still managed to get lost, and that was when Minho came into play and helped him out. Without the latter, Chan imagined himself examening every tree that he came across while looking for his dorm. "It's a long story," He laughed at himself. "But in short; I got lost and Minho helped me out. He has been staying by my side ever since,"

Felix's face scrunched up in question. "Hm, really? We're talking about the same Lee Minho, right?" He couldn't really believe what he heard. Even though it was actually highly possible since it had been ten years—and people change in the span of such a long period of time.

"Yeah," Chan chuckled once again. "Believe me when I say that he wasn't always like this,"

Changbin yanked open the door of closet, startling the two precious Aussie boys. He showed them a warm smile. "Time's up," he spoke softly. The closet wasn't that far from where they were all seated, but they couldn't be heard talking all the way over so that was a good thing.

The two sat down again and now Chan had to decide who would be spinning the bottle next. He was scanning every person in the room as had set his eye on someone. "Jisung, you may spin,"

I know this is a short chapter buttttt it's somethinggg :3 Also yeah it's been like a month I hope y'all haven't left yet djjdje

I'm trying to pick up my original idea for this story since I kinda forgot what I wanted to do halfway butbsjdjdj I'll get there :')) I hope it will all makes sence at the end jdjzjsjdj

Q; What is something you always hope would/will happen in these kinda stories (like a fav scene or moment that you long for)??

A; Deep emotional talks leading to a strong connection and confused feelings¿ Well that's at least one of the many

To be continued ;)

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