Chapter 12

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Jisung had given Seungmin the bottle. The boy spinned the bottle as it landed on Hyunjin. They were next to go, so the both of them stepped foot inside the closet and sat down.

"And in here we meet again," Hyunjin said, surprisingly not only cringing the hell out of Seungmin but also himself. "Okay, no, forget I even said that,

"If you wouldn't have told me to forget it then I probably would've forgotten it by the end of the day, but now it's going to be stuck in my memory," Seungmin spoke up in all honesty. He's the kind of person who's always honest and pretty straightforward. "So if you ever want someone to forget something, don't tell them to,"

Hyunjin chuckled under his breath. He wondered where this person had been all his life—in his class, obviously. He loved the hint of sarcasm and sass in the boy's way of speaking. "I like you. You're cute,"

"And you're ugly," Seungmin spat back without thinking, which he probably should have done. He might have just gotten a tad shy, because that was far from being honest.

Hyunjin seemed confused. No one had ever called him ugly before. "Wait, really?"

Seungmin facepalmed. Luckily for him, they were sitting in the dark. He didn't mean to make the boy insecure about his looks. "No. I just thought I'd tell you something you hadn't heard before," he retorted quickly.

"But it's a lie, right?" Hyunjin asked Seungmin cautiously. He didn't want to be annoying, but jokes on him because he actually was—a bit.

Seungmin chuckled softly, and that was the cutest thing Hyunjin had ever heard. "Yes, it's a lie, dumbass. You're hot as hell," he said in a serious tone. The kind of serious that sounded sarcastic—but in reality, it wasn't.

"I really can't tell if you're being serious right now or not," Hyunjin murmured in a questioning tone. "Probably because I can't see your face," And he wanted to see his face.

In all honesty, Seungmin had always admired Hyunjin from afar. The latter was like a dumb blonde, but then with black hair instead of blond. Seungmin might or might not have a crush on him. Only a slight one, though. The innocent kind of crush someone has for their idol.

Seungmin reached up his hand. He couldn't see a thing, so that was the best way to figure out where exactly Hyunjin was sitting. Apparently, they weren't sitting that far from one another. Seungmin still scooted a bit forward. He now had his right hand placed onto Hyunjin's cheek—the boy himself stayed quiet, though.

Seungmin caressed his thumb over Hyunjin's soft plump lips as he was locating them. Hyunjin was just at a loss for words and totally confused. He became nervous for who knows what reason, still his heart thumped like crazy. He was shocked by the sudden touch to his lips, though. "What are you—" Hyunjin began, but he was cut off immediately when Seungmin pressed his lips against his own, hitting him with full shock.

Hyunjin's eyes widened slightly as he was astonished — and shocked — of what what happening right now. Yet, he let his eyes soften and close shut as he melted in the kiss. He started kissing the boy back, having no idea as to why he was—it just felt right at that exact moment.

The boy—Hyunjin—hadn't kissed anyone before and he wouldn't refuse to admit that he actually craved for it. This was his first kiss. It felt so surreal to him, but it was happening right then and there—and the feeling of kissing someone was amazing. He loved the sensation.

As they were in the middle of their make out session, the closet door had once again been yanked open. "Time's up," They got startled and pulled out from the kiss. On the other end of the closet, stood a small boy—who wasn't at this party before—with wide eyes.

Seungmin looked at both boys as they were looking at him with shocked expressions. "I was being serious," he said before he stood up and walked out of the closet.

Hyunjin had to wrap his head around what had just happened. He just sat there, flabbergasted. The boy who had opened the door snapped him out of it, yet shocking him even more with his presence. "Jeongin? What are you doing here?"

"Mom said you were at some kind of party in Chan's house, so I came by," Jeongin spoke up, but little did he know that was not what Hyunjin meant. Jeongin goes to a boarding school, so he was surprised to see him here—it had been quite a while.

"Please, tell me you didn't witness that... or tell me that it wasn't real," he asked his little brother, thinking he might have seen a glimpse of it when opening the closet door.

Jeongin snorted amusingly. "Oh, damn was it not. Bro, it was so real. You guys were full on eating each other's faces—" He reached his balled fists up to his temples and strethed them, indicating that he was mind blown.

"Jeongin!" Hyunjin shouted, which made everyone look at them from afar. "I love you, little brother. But, shut up," That happened. Damnit. "You haven't seen anything, okay? As far as I know, you're still too young to even witness something like that," He whispered, grinding his teeth slightly.

"Bro... I'm only a year younger than you are," He flipped his non-existent long hair. "I can handle this," he assured his older brother, who was filled with question and worry. "I didn't know you were gay, though?"

"I'm not," Hyunjin spat bluntly.

Jeongin furrowed his eyebrows severly. His brother might be older, but he sure was dumber as well. "That looked pretty gay to me,"

"I don't have time for this," Hyunjin said as he stood up as well, leaving the closet. "You just keep your mouth zipped and we won't have a problem," he spoke as he faced his brother, who sent him a salute back.


A bit after Minho and Jisung had left the closet, Chan took Minho seperatly for a second. He originally wanted to talk about it on their way back home, but Jihna would be next to them, and he didn't think it would be such a good idea if he talked about it in her presence. "Just curious, what happened with you and Jisung in that closet?"

Minho was quite taken aback. He had no idea where this was coming from—or why Chan was even asking such a question. "Nothing happened," He tried to clear up, because nothing did happen.

"Did you want something to happen?" he wondered, raising his eyebrows at his best friend.

Minho snorted slightly. What in the world was Chan thinking? "What? I— No— With nerdy? Please," He cut himself off several times because he was just so flabbergasted.

Still, Chan kept asking him weird questions. "What if you weren't dating Jihna, what would've happened then?"

"Nothing," Minho spoke, again. "Honestly Chan, what are you imagining?" Yet, for some reason, he couldn't help but wonder why he got that close to Jisung's face when the boy had a disadvantage of not seeing his face—or even why he did it at all. "Besides, I'm not into guys"

Anddddd a dash of Seungjinnnn
cuz why nottttt... Originally I wasn't going to publish this, since I might not really go into the side ships that much, but ehhhhh I thought why not¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hope y'all like it at least ^.^

I finished two exams and let me just give a TMI and say that imma probably fail both hahhhh but anygays

If you missed my previous update, go check it out!! It was out about two weeks ago or so~

Q; How are y'all doing? How is school/life?

A; Welll... Yaknowww, the usual losing my sanity and stuff :')) got 4 exams left so lesgooo

To be continued ;)

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