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The next morning I woke up to the pain of my head pounding, I watched Wes as he slept peacefully with his arm wrapped around my waist. Last night seemed like a huge blur, I remember bits and pieces, but I feel like I'm pieces a couple of memories.

I felt a burning in my stomach so I sprinted into the bathroom and locked the door before throwing up all of my regrets last night. I've never drank so much where I puke the next morning. When the first round ended I leaned my back against the bath tub and pulled my knees to my chest. I felt disgusting.

Knock knock

"Hey, are you okay, let me in," Wes called from the other side of the door.

"I'm okay," I lied before throwing up again. The worst thing about throwing up is that once you gag the first time, that's it, you can't control the rest, and it's actually painful. Before I knew it Wes had taken it upon himself to unlock the bathroom and walk inside. "It's gross, go away," I begged as he knelt down to sit beside me on the bathroom rug.

"I've seen a lot worse, trust me," he assured me while he held my hair back in between my episodes. I once read something saying that a man who hold your hair back while throwing up is a keeper, but that seems silly to me. This has to be the most turn-off thing that could happen between us.

A few minutes later I felt like that was it, I started feeling better stomach wise, my head still throbbed uncontrollably. "I'll get you some medicine, I'll be right back," he said before he walked out the door.

When he came back in I was still sitting on the floor since I really didn't have the energy to leave, and I was also afraid to throw up again. "You partied too hard last night," he laughed handing me Ibuprofen. I nodded and swore that I could never drink again, that was a lie though. "Do you want to talk about it? Do you remember everything that happened?"

"I remember you almost fighting someone, I do remember that," I laughed.

"Anything else?"

"I remember going to the bar and drinking a lot, and somehow I ended up at a breakfast place and you were there, and then you tried tackling someone and then I ended up here," I told him trying to calculate my every move.

"Well you told me last night that you grinded on a guy then kissed him. You ended up at Denny's and I saw the lipstick on his face and I freaked out, you helped me calm down and I talked you into coming home with me," he said explaining the situations. I threw my head into my hands shocked. I kissed someone? Now that's he's saying it I do remember it, I remember everything even the steamy make out I had with Wes last night. Maybe he didn't want to say anything about and that's why he didn't tell me.

"I remember us last night too," I told him while I looked at his tired face.

"Yeah, you don't regret that do you, because I knew you were drunk and that's why I stopped it before anything else could happen," he rambled on in a nervous breath.

"No, I don't regret that," I assured him.

"Hey, I have to go to the shop today, I haven't been in a while and my employees are started to get frustrated," he laughed.

"That's okay, I should probably start packing anyway."

"Okay, I'll drive you home in a little bit, but let's get something in your stomach," he suggested before helping me up from the ground. "Here throw this on," he smiled tossing a pair of gym shorts at me.

I put them on and tied the string so that they wouldn't fall off. They looked so baggy on me and I knew I looked funny when Wes started laughing. "Shut up," I laughed smacking his shoulder.

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