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Today Wes and I landed in Georgia and I couldn't be more excited to show him around my hometown. "Are you ready?" I asked before walking into my home. He nodded and remained calm but I could see it in his eyes that he was nervous. It was cute.

I walked into the small yellow housethat I grew up in, "Mom," I shouted before being ambushed by my mom and stepdad. They both pulled me into a tight hug. "Okay, okay, y'all are going to suffocate me," I laughed. "This is Wes, Wes this is my mom and Joe," I introduced.

"It's nice to meet you," My stepdad greeted with a firm handshake. In my family, they take handshakes very seriously. Every new person that walks through the door has to go through the handshake test. If it's weak then you're not a man. If it's strong, then congratulations you're welcome anytime. I assumed that Wes passed the test, because Joe just nodded his head and turned back to my mom.

"Oh it's so nice to have you, sweetheart. Make yourself at home," my mom smiled rubbing her hands together.

"Thank you for having me," he told them.

"Okay, you should show Wes around, just be back for dinner," my mom smiled and I nodded before taking Wes out back.

"Wow," Wes said in amazement over the several acres of land. "I can't believe you live here," he admitted admiring the fields.

"I want to show you the animals," I told him walking him through the wooden fence around my house that help put up when I was 8. Once we got to the other fence that ensured the animals wouldn't get out I let him walk in before me before shutting the gate. "We have all sorts of animals here, pigs, cows, horses, sheep, chickens, but we rely mostly on the chickens and cows. And the horses are just for us. Have you ever rode on a horse," I asked watching Wes be captivated on the cow he was petting.

"I have not," he admitted still focusing of the beautiful animal. "She's so peaceful and calm," he observed while the cow patiently stood there allowing Wes to examine it.

"Come on, I'll show you the horses," I told him taking his hand and dragging him away from the cow.

We walked into the red barn, my hiding place as a child. Actually, it's been my secret place for years now. Upstairs is filled with Christmas light and a sofa that my parents put in there for my comfort. I used to play dolls up there, and now they're placed in a trunk upstairs along with many other photos and memories.

I heard the hay crackling under us as we approached the two horses. "This is my horse, his name is Bruno," I told him petting the brown horse with white spots. "This one is Ruthie," I said walking over to the black horse, "she's the one you'll be riding."

"Riding?" He asked in a panic trying to comprehend what I just told him.

"Yes, we are taking them out while I show you all the cool places," I laughed grabbing the saddles and placing them on the horses.

"I don't know how to ride."

I pulled both the horses out and handed him Ruthies reign as I demonstrated how to get on. "Easy, hold both reigns in one hand but keep it loose, don't grip onto it. If you want to move forward give a nudge with both feet, if you want to turn turn the reigns to the side, if you want him to stop just pull back the reigns but once she stops don't continue to pull the reigns back because then she'll go backwards. It's easy, we're just letting them stretch out there legs, it's not like were competing," I told him as he hesitantly for on top of the horse.

I nudged Bruno indicating him to start walking and as did Wes, "See it's easy," I laughed watching Wes struggle to keep his calm. However, once we got onto the trail he seemed as though he calmed down.

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