Chapter Six

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Steve stayed up all night that night. He couldn't go to bed no matter how hard he tried. He almost killed Tony, he betrayed him, lied to him, and left him alone. And yet, he does everything in his power to pardon them, even going as far as to let them stay in the tower.

This certainly isn't helping Steve's guilt.

So when 4:50 am came, Steve was the first one outside- besides T'Challa of course, waiting for the others.

When they all arrived it was 5 am, so they all boarded the jet and took off. Steve sat by himself. He wasn't in the mood to be a captain at the moment. He just needed time to himself. During the flight his mind wandered, and he lost track of time.

'How is Tony? Is he okay? Have him and Pepper worked things out yet? How's Rhodey? How well was Tony able to help him? How do I talk to Tony again? Would he even want to talk to me? Probably not. Though, Rhodey probably won't even let me talk to him again.'

Steve still can't even believe this is happening. It took him so long to even accept that the Avengers were toast. But now, the Avengers are reforming. Not to the way it used to be. Never back to the way it used to be. There's too much pain and not enough trust. And hell! Bruce and Thor aren't here! He wonders what would've happened if they were.

They first reach the prison where they would pick up Clint and Scott. Steve stood up and walked out with Nat, who was also quiet the whole trip. They saw prison guards surrounded the two men. When they spotted them, the guards moved out of our way, but still didn't leave completely.

Nat smiles a bit at the sight of her best friend, and Clint smiles as well. Clint runs up, with Scott following quietly, and embraces Natasha, who hugs him back.

"I missed you, Nat." Clint whispered when the two pulled away.

Natasha laughs, "I missed you too, dork."

Scott smiles at Steve and does a little wave. Steve waves back. They all walk back into the jet with a slight nod to the guards.

"The beard looks good on you Cap." Scott complimented. Steve smiles slightly and thanks him. The ride to the tower was not as quiet as before. Everyone was catching up, and T'Challa was filling Clint and Scott in on what's going to happen.

When they did get to the tower is was 11:55 am. They landed on the roof, and got out, including T'Challa. Waiting for them is non other than Colonial Rhodes, Tony's best friend.

He doesn't have the normal goofy and nice demeanor. He instead, has an unreadable face, and professional persona.

T'Challa leads the Rogues towards him and T'Challa and Rhodes shake hands. T'Challa turns around and walks over to Steve, shaking his hand as well.

"Thank you," Steve says.

T'Challa smiles, "You're always welcome in Wakanda."

And with that he goes back on the jet, and he's gone.

Rhodes continues to stare at them until Steve decided to speak first.

"It's nice to see you again, Colonial." Steve greeted.

Rhodey's masked expression changes, and now he's glaring at Steve, who gulps and steps back.

"Can't say I feel the same. So I'm going to cut this short. Follow me, Tony's waiting." Rhodey replied spitefully.

They follow him to the elevator, and step inside. Rhodey presses a button, that Steve remembers to be Tony's floor, and the elevator begins moving.

As soon as they reach the floor, and they've stepped off, Rhodey rushes to Tony. He puts a hand on his back.

"Tony, hey. It's me." Rhodey says and Tony looks up at him. "It's okay, you're safe."

Guilt consumes Steve. Tony doesn't think he's safe. Because of Steve.

Tony looks towards the Rogues and Steve's heart clenched. He knew he was going to feel dread when he saw Tony, but he never thought it'd be this bad. Steve missed him. So, so much. His heart wanted nothing more than for him to run towards Tony, hug him tightly, and beg for forgiveness. But, he can't. He doesn't have the right. Tony looks so broken and it makes him feel worse.

Tony's eyes brim with tears before he squeezes his eye's shut and turns his back to them. Rhodey looks at them and mumbled an 'excuse us' before attending to Tony. Rhodey pulls Tony into a hug and Tony buries his head in his neck, gripping onto Rhodey like a lifeline. Tony lets out broken sobs that stab Steve's heart, and Rhodey whispered soothing words into Tony's ear. Steve felt regret consume him. He wanted to comfort Tony, but he knew he couldn't and shouldn't. He did this, and he wasn't close enough to him to be able to do so -not that he ever was, unfortunately.

Tony pulls away, "I can't do this, Rhodey. I-I can't, I-I'm sorry.." Tony cried.

Rhodey smiles reassuringly, kisses Tony on the forehead, and places a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, Tony. Go get some rest. I'll handle things here." Rhodey promises Tony.

Tony sighs in relief, mumbling a thanks, before dashing out of the room, Steve's eyes following him with nothing but sorrow.

Steve's eyes turn back to Rhodey only to find him glaring at them.

"Are you happy? Look what you did to him." He snarled.

"Rhodes I'm-" Steve tried to apologize got cut off.

"Save it Rogers. I don't want to hear it. Follow me." He ordered, as he walked past them, back into the elevator. They all followed him.

He pressed a button and stared straight ahead, ignoring them. When the doors do open, he stepped off and walked into the floor's living room, the others following. He turns around and glared at them again.

"This will be one of your floors. Your other one will be the floor above this one. You will only be allowed on these two floors, unless you wish to train or there is a conference you need to attend. Tony will supply you with your necessities, but come to me if you need anything. Just have FRIDAY contact me. Do not, and I repeat, do not disturb Tony. He's already letting you stay in his home, he doesn't need you triggering an anxiety attack. Got it?" Rhodes stated.

They all nod their heads and Rhodey leaves the floor without another word.

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