Chapter Nine

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Peter was not happy about the news. The only thing that calmed him down last time was reassuring him that Tony and him wouldn't have any interaction with the Rogues unless absolutely necessary. But now, Tony had to go see them everyday just to check on Vision.

He would have Rhodey do it, but since Tony created him he's in charge of him. Though, Tony's not even sure why he even needs to check on Vision. He's more stable then the rest of them.

It's ridiculous.

But it was either this, or let Vision come here, along with someone else. Tony would immediately pick that option, if it weren't for the fact that Peter was there. And Tony wants him to be safe from them.

Tony shakes his head to get out of those thoughts and pour the coffee into his mug. Peter already left for school, of course not without him trying to convince Tony to let him stay and come with Tony to the Rogues' floor. It failed of course, and he sluggishly walked to the elevator, grumbling to himself.

Tony chuckled a bit at the memory. He sipped his coffee and looked around the place. It was extremely quiet without the kid there.

"Fri, what time is it?" He asked.

"12:01, boss."

Tony groaned, knowing Peter won't be here until a few hours. It feels like it's been an eternity since he left.

Tony finished his coffee in sad silence, wishing Peter was there to fill the silence with his rambling. Tony looked down at his now empty mug. He grumbled and put it in the sink, making a mental note to take care of it later.

Bored out of his mind, Tony asked for the time again.

"12:27," F.R.I.D.A.Y answered.

Tony sighed loudly and plopped down onto the couch. He could check on Vision now. But he really didn't wanna see him, or anyone else over there. Though he knows he'll never want to do it, and he'll just keep procrastinating. So Tony gets up and drags his feet to the elevator. He was still in sweatpants, a loose long sleeved shirt, and fuzzy socks, but he didn't give a damn.

Tony stepped into the elevator and punched the button that lead to one of the Rogues' floors. Tony was hoping Vision was at this one, so he didn't have to ask around for him. That couldn't end well.

Tony stepped out of the elevator and took a deep breath, before walking to the living room.

No one.

He walked a little farther in and saw them all at a table, eating a very late breakfast, or what you'd consider a 'brunch.'

Tony internally groaned, suddenly feeling self conscious in his pajamas. Especially with his fuzzy Spider-Man socks. Peter and Tony had matching socks, but Peter's were Iron Man.

No one seemed to notice his arrival, so he quickly scanned the table for Vision. Of course. The one person not there is Vision. Fuck.

They were all conversing with one another so Tony felt awkward as he cleared my throat, his face burning. Everyone's heads snapped to face Tony and he wanted nothing more than a whole to appear underneath him, and swallow him whole.

They all looked shocked to see Tony. Especially Steve, but Tony didn't focus on him for long. He looked down and ran a hand through his hair.

"Do any of you know where Vision is?" Tony questioned.

Before any of them could reply, a voice spoke from behind Tony.

"I'm here."

Tony turned around and saw Vision. He let out a breath of relief and patted his shoulder.

"Alright, great. You good?" Tony asked, not really sure what he should be checking up on.

Vision nodded, and Tony awkwardly smiled. He retracted his hand and pointed to the elevator.

"Great. Well, I'm gonna go. See you tomorrow, Vision."

Tony turned to leave when he heard someone call out his name.

"Tony, wait!"

Tony looked behind him to see Natasha jumping out of her chair and racing towards him.

Tony raised a brow, "What's up, Romanoff?"

She walked in front of him and smiled softly, "Can we talk?"

Tony felt his heart beat faster and his blood run cold. An anxiety attack was coming. But he know this was inevitable, especially since he now had to stop by every day.

Tony gulped and nodded his head. Natasha motioned for Tony to follow her as she lead Tony to her room. When they both stepped inside she closed the door, making Tony play with his sleeves nervously.

"What's up, Romanoff?" Tony repeated his question from earlier.

Natasha leaned against the door and ran a hand through her hair. She looked around the room before meeting his gaze. Tony only then noticed that she had tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Tony..."

Tony tilted his head in confusion, "You're... apologizing...?"

Natasha nodded her head, "Yes, I shouldn't of went against you. You were doing what was best for the team. And I betrayed you when I was one of the few you had left. We've been friends even before the Avengers formed. You're like my brother and I left you at your lowest point."

Tony sighed and rubbed his face, "That's not much of an apology, more so just a recap on the shit that went down." He mumbled to himself.

"I'm sorry, Tony. What I did was wrong and I'm sorry I put you through that." Natasha apologized.

Tony ran a hand through his hair, "I should say sorry too-"

"No you shouldn't. Not to me at least. What happened between me and you was my fault. Don't blame yourself." She cut in.

Tony put a hand over his face when he felt tears brim his eyes. He tried to hold back his sobs by biting his lip, but they still came out. Tony's body shook with each sob.

Nat walked closer to Tony and removed his hand from his face, revealing his now tear stained face.

"I missed you, Romanoff." Tony whispered.

A tear fell down Nat's face as she smiled softly, "I missed you too, Stark."

Tony gave her a kiss on the cheek, like he did to everyone he loves. He placed a hand on Nat's shoulder and smiled at her.

"When I come back here tomorrow, I'm taking you with me back to my floor so we can talk for a bit. No offense, but I don't feel safe here," Tony tells her, his smile dropping slightly.

She nods her head, "I understand. See you later, Tony." 

"See you later, Nat."

Tony walks around her and leaves her room with one last wave. As he walks back to the elevator, he passes the Rogues again, only to find that they're all looking at him. Feeling a bit confident after his talk with Nat, Tony waved them goodbye. It's not much, but it's enough for them all to have wide eyes and dropped jaws as Tony entered the elevator and headed back to his floor.

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