Chapter Eleven

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"Hey, Nat!" Tony greeted as the blonde walked out of the elevator.

Natasha visits Tony three times a week, any day that's Monday through Friday -Tony's weekends are reserved for spending time with Peter. He also told her to come during the hours Peter is at school. She was suspicious at first, but since he wasn't gonna budge, she left it alone. It's not that he doesn't trust Nat, he does. But he can't take any risks for the others to find out about Peter. If that means Natasha can't know, that's unfortunate, but it is what it is.

"Hey, Stark." Natasha greeted as she joined Tony on a bar stool.

"What some coffee or something?" Tony offered.

She smiled, "Yes, please. Thank you."

Tony got up and began making her coffee, careful to not make it the way he makes his, plain black coffee. Tony tried giving that to her once, and she gave him the look. Never again.

"Any plans for the weekend?" She asked.

Right. Today is Friday.

"Nothing out of the usual. What about you?" Tony responded as he walked back towards her to give her the mug of coffee.

She took a sip and shrugged, "Might hang out with Clint. Who knows. He's been clingier than usual. I think it's because of not seeing Laura and the kids. Now he doesn't like being alone. It gives him time to slip into dark thoughts." Nat explained.

Tony frowned. He knew what that was like. Even though he's never been close with Clint, he can't help but worry for the guy. Tony feels bad now for taking Nat away from him.

"What's he doing now?" I questioned.

Nat froze, seeming to think if she should answer or not. She sighed and took another sip of coffee, not meeting Tony eyes as she answered.

"Training with Scott, Sam, and... Steve." She told him.

Tony's blood froze at the mention of Rogers. The others don't make him panic as much anymore -though they still do- it's mainly Rogers that does it. Tony tries to shake it off and ignore his shaking hands.

"That's good, at least he's not alone. How are the others by the way? I don't talk to them when I check on Vision." He played off his nervousness the best he could, but knowing Agent Romanoff, she picked up on it.

She smiled slightly though, as if encouraging him. "Well, Wanda and Vision are up each other's asses. They rarely ever leave each other's sides. Scott is in the same scenario as Clint, but he does a much better job at hiding it, or maybe it's because I'm not close with him that I don't notice. I should probably change that, I don't want him feeling lonely...." Nat trailed off as she begun talking to herself, and Tony smiled slightly. She always cared about others more than she let on, she just doesn't show it.

She looked up at him again and laughed, "Anyway! Sam is fine, mainly hangs out with Steve. Speaking on Steve, he's..." She trails off again but this time it worries him. Steve is what? Is he okay? Tony may not trust him or anything but that doesn't mean he didn't care. Obviously he does, why else would he work his ass off to pardon him?

"Natasha. Is he okay? Is there something wrong? What happened?" Tony frantically demanded answers.

Nat looks at him in surprise, but smiles a bit nonetheless, "Steve's... fine. He's just been acting strange." She reassured.

Tony raised a brow. He did not by that. Not one bit. But if she won't tell him, he's not gonna press on it. To be fair, it is about Steve, and Tony wants to respect his privacy.

They finish their coffees while making small talk. Nothing serious, just random things that come to mind.

Nat smiles at Tony when she finishes cleaning her mug. "I've got to go. Clint should be done with his training soon and I want to make sure I have enough time to get anything that needs to be done, done."

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