Chapter Thirteen

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"So what are we going to do?" Clint asked once he and Natasha got into the car after leaving the small cafe.

"I was thinking about calling Steve and telling him to meet us at a restaurant for dinner, I'm sure he's bored." Natasha kept her eyes on the road while answering.

Clint sighed, "That's not what I meant and you know that."

Nat glanced at him before looking ahead of him again, "It's really none of our business that Tony has a kid, Clint, nor is it anyone else's."

"Who even was that kid?"

"Peter Parker," She smirked.

Through the corner of her eye she caught Clint glaring at her.

"Yeah no shit, Nat." He grumbled.

Natasha ignored his comment, "Call Steve and tell him to meet us at that sushi place we always go to."


"Call him."


Nat continued to drive silently as Clint called Steve. Clint picked up where they left off as soon as he hung up.

"We should tell Steve."

Natasha's grip on the wheel tightened as she shot him a glare, before facing forward again.

"Are you crazy?!" She exclaimed.

"Yes, but that's irrelevant at the moment."

Nat rolled her eyes, "Clint, we can't tell Steve, you dumbass. We aren't even supposed to know. And since Fury didn't tell us, that means we didn't need to know. But we found out, and Tony has faith in us not to tell anyone."

Clint groaned, "It's not like Steve is going to say anything."

Natasha scoffed, "You don't know for sure, and even so, that doesn't matter. Do you even remember what I told you?"

"What did you tell me?"

She sigh, "What I told you about Siberia. Remember? Do you really think Tony trusts Steve after that? There's no way Tony trusts Steve with knowing about Peter."

"Yeah you're right..." Clint mumbled.

"I know I am."


"What do you want Clint?" Natasha questioned, not even looking up from her book.

Clint walked all the way into the room, and shut the door behind him. She looked up from her book, keeping her eyes on him as he took a seat on her bed.

"Seriously, what is it Clint?"

Clint puckered his lips, before sighing. "We have to find out who the kid is."

Natasha groaned, "Did you not listen to anything I told you yesterday?"

Clint raised his hands, "I've been thinking about some things. The main thing, how does Tony even know the kid?"

Nat sat her book down beside her and dragged a hand down her face.

"Clint, for the last time, it's none of our fucking business. What is so hard for you to understand about that?" She exclaimed.

"What if he attacks us? Huh? We should be ready." Clint cried.

Nat couldn't help but laugh, "Okay Barton, you've officially gone crazy. There are two reasons why what you just said should put you in an asylum. One, Peter is a teenager who Tony has deemed worthy of wanting to adopt. This leads me to reason two, Peter isn't dumb enough to try and attack The Avengers. Tony wouldn't want an idiot as a kid."

Clint opened his mouth to say something, but once he realized he couldn't top that, he shut his mouth -which has to be the smartest thing he's done all week.

"Are you gonna let me read my book now?" Natasha teased.

Clint sighed, "Fine."

He didn't move from her bed, but she returned to her book anyway. It was quiet for the next hour, which was a relief itself, but then Clint ruined it.

"I know you said to drop it, but I have to add something. Does he seem familiar to you? I know I've heard his voice before. And the way him and Tony act around each other, I could've sworn I've seen one of their banters before." He rambled.

Natasha was about to shrug him off, but then she had to stop and think too. Clint's right. She has heard that voice before. But from where?

Nat's reaction seemed to please Clint, because he smirked in triumph.


"Shut up, I'm thinking."

It was silent once again, Clint and Natasha both racking their brains for an answer.

'Where? Where? Where have I heard Peter's voice? I know I have before, Peter has one of those voices that could only belong to Peter himself. Much like his soon-to-be father. Clint said he recognized the banter between the father and son duo. Where have I seen Tony with a kid? Not only that, but a kid that makes Tony act the way he does when he's around Peter. Come on, you're supposed to be an agent.'  Natasha racked her brain for answers.

"I've got to think on this, I'll see you later, Nat." Clint mumbled before he left her room.

She nodded her head before getting up. She had to talk to Tony about this. She's not looking for an answer, he can tell her to mind her own business, she just needed to get her mind off of this.

She took the elevator to Tony's floor, not caring that it's Sunday -a day that his floor is off limits. FRIDAY doesn't stop her, so maybe Tony doesn't care that much.

When the elevator stops at Tony's floor, she gets out and head into the common room. There, she sees Peter watching Beauty and The Beast. He notices her presence and looks up at her from the couch with a nervous smile.

"H-Hey Ms. R-Romanoff."

She smiled softly hoping to calm him down, "Hey Peter, where's-"

Just as she was about to ask where Tony was, the one and only walked in from the kitchen.

"Underoos, I got the popcorn- oh hey, Nat. Wanna watch a movie with us?" Tony chimed in.

She didn't respond. She was frozen in her spot.

"Natasha?" Tony's voice is filled with concern.

Natasha looked between the two and her eyes widen in realization.

Clint was right when he said Peter was familiar.

She's been around Peter before.

She fought alongside Peter.

Peter is-

Holy shit!

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