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I was in the lab as usual, running scans and the daily Peter search. It's so weird to think....how did we ever manage without him. He didn't stay with us for much more than a year. Still, he somehow got all of the avengers wrapped around his little finger. He must be around 14 years now. Gosh, I've missed so much of his life already. Behind me, I could hear the doors open. I didn't even have to look to know who it was.

-Morning babe, I said.

-Morning honey, Steve said.

Soon Steve was beside me, leaning against my work desk. I stopped working and looked up at him.

-How many hours did you sleep? He asked.

-Five, I lied.

Really I only slept two. But I don't wanna worry Steve more than he already does.

-Had any breakfast?

-Uh yeah, I said and almost hit myself.

If I hesitate much more than a second Steve knows I'm lying. Which he, of course, did now.

-Tony, Steve said strictly.

-Fine. Just give me a sec, I said and closed down all of the holograms I had opened.

-Up for waffles? Wanda is cooking breakfast for the others, Steve said as I stood up from my chair.

-Sure. Anything that makes you happy, I said and gave Steve a quick kiss on the cheek.

-You know, You shouldn't just eat to make me happy. You should eat so you don't starve to death, Steve said as we left my lab together.

-Hm....maybe someday

-I honestly wonder how you stayed alive without me, Steve said annoyed.

We continued walking in a comfortable silence towards the kitchen. When we entered the kitchen we could see everyone but Nat around the table and a few in the kitchen corner. Scott and Clint were like children with Santa. Except they were Clint and Scott with food. Which is much worse.

-Morning love birds, Bucky teased.

-Morning, Me and Steve answered.

-Up for some bad news yet Tony? Clint asked as he sprayed his whole plate with waffles full of cream.

-Sure. Already had coffee. So shoot.

-Thought we'd found Peter, Scott said and ate his waffles.

I froze up but knew where this was going. So I relaxed again. Steve noticed and grabbed my hand.

-He was not our Peter, Clint said.

-Sorry. Thought you'd just like to know about how the search is going, Scott said.

-Yeah. Thank you. We'll keep looking, I said.

-Tony. We got some more bad news, Wanda said.

I raised an eyebrow and sent Clint and Scott a glance.

-Going out looking for Peter in the real world is getting a lot of attention, Wanda said.

-Attention we can't afford with what's at risk, Rhodey said.

I sighed and nodded understanding. I could feel Steve gripping my hand tighter. I hate to admit it. But I've grown used to bad news about our Peter search. But Steve haven't. It hits him hard every time.

-Any good news? Steve asked and I could tell he wanted to leave to be able to cry alone.

Not that I was gonna let him be alone anyway.

-Actually....I have, a voice from behind said.

I turned around and saw Natasha and Pepper side by side. Natasha wasn't in her pj's like the rest of us were. In fact, she was wearing similar-looking clothing like Pepper. In her hand, Natasha was holding some files.

-I don't know where Peter is precisely. But thanks to Pepper. I know he's alive and in New York, Natasha said confidently.

I heard glass shatter behind me. But didn't turn around since I knew it was just a breakfast plate from some shocked avengers.

-Last week one of Stark Industries buildings was attacked, Pepper said.

-It was? Steve asked and sent me a look.

I just shrugged my shoulders since I didn't know anything about it.

-It was, by A.I.M. I was gonna call you. But just when I got there all the A.I.M agents were tied up......in webs, Pepper said.

Nat smirked and handed me and Steve a file. I opened it and started reading.

-I looked it up and apparently there is a vigilante calling himself Spider-man swinging around town. He can climb walls, shoot web, has super strength and it wouldn't surprise me if he had enhanced sense with the way he fights. Now I checked some older footage of him doing what he does. He talks a lot in battle and makes pop culture references. And at the beginning of his heroic time, he had a lot of voice cracks. Voice cracks I suspect was because of voice changes during puberty. Now putting all this together I would assume this spider-man is around the age of 14 or 15. The same age Peter would be now. Now please tell me the odds of another person with powers like Peter's exactly the same age and in the same town.

-Low, Steve said and I could hear how all his hope was rising to the sky.

-So if we find out who this spider-man really is. We can probably track his record and see if he was missing up to when he was four? I asked feeling the same way as Steve as I closed the file.

-Exactly, Nat smirked.

-Well I'm going back to my lab now. Thanks so much for this. Love you babe, I said and kissed Steve on the cheek and gave Nat a quick hug when I walked past her.

-I'll bring you your breakfast soon honey! Steve yelled after me.

-Thank you! I yelled back.


It's nice taking a test from home because you can listen to music and you don't have to wait for someone to get up before you

I have a kinda fun story about that

I was doing a test and I finished it pretty quickly so nobody had gotten up. I didn't wanna be the first to leave. So I waited for HALF AN HOUR before I saw someone leaving the exam program. I quickly turned did the same and stood up.

Then pretty much half of the class stood up too. Why?

Because everyone had done the same thing I had

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