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I'd parked my car outside an apartment house in Queens. Both me and Steve left the car and went inside the apartment house. As we were walking up the stairs I felt Steve grab my hand out of nervousness. I tried giving him a reassuring smile even though I was just as nervous. Soon we reached the apartment Peter lived in. I knocked on the door and waited.

-Coming! A female voice yelled.

Soon the door opened and revealed a relatively good looking woman. The woman looked at us both shocked and confused.

-Hi are you May Parker? I asked.

-Yeah that's me. And you're Tony and Steve Rogers-Stark, the woman said still a bit shocked.

-Um....we don't mean to intrude or anything. But do you have a teenage boy named Peter Parker in your care? Steve asked.

-Yeah, why? What do you want with him? Ms. Parker asked slightly protective.

-It's kind of a long story....uh....can we come in? I asked.

-Sure, ms. Parker said and stepped aside for me and Steve to enter.


I walked up to mine and May's apartment. There was a car outside that looked really expensive. But from what I know none of the neighbors have won the lottery. I walked into mine and May's apartment and took out my earpods. Just as I was about to yell "I'm home" I stopped as I saw who was in the living room. Tony and Steve Rogers-Stark were sitting in my living room with May.

-Oh hi Peter! We got some visitors, May said.

But I barely heard her because me, and the two superheroes in my living room were busy staring at each other like crazy. I was just shocked and confused to why they were here. But I got no clue why they were staring at me too.

*Hi I'm Peter* I signed shakily.

-Oh he's....May said and was probably about to translate to them.

-I'm Steve and this is Tony, Steve said.

*You know sign?*

-Yeah. All though Steve is much better at it than me, Tony said.

-Wow....okay. Guess I don't have to translate. Peter honey. Come and sit down. Steve and Tony have something to talk to you about, May said.

I nodded and sat down next to May. I'm still not that comfortable around new people. All though, I didn't feel like I usually do when I meet new people. I wasn't just as nervous.

-Um ms. Pa-, Tony said.

-Please. May is just fine, May said.

-May um....could we talk about that thing with Peter in private? Tony asked.

-Sure. Peter why don't you show them your room and I'll get started on dinner.

I nodded and lead Tony and Steve to my room. When we entered the room my eyes immediately landed on my avengers' poster and all my junk I had laying on my desk. Great first impression Peter.

-Oh what do we have here? Richard Tech huh? Tony asked and pointed at all the junk on my desk

-Tony, Steve said strictly.

*Um no. That's mostly junk I found in the dumpster* I signed

-You're a dumpster diver? Tony asked.

I just nodded

-Believe it or not I was a dumpster diver when my dad froze my bank account. What a horrible week that was.

I smiled a little and sat down on my bed while the two adults took a short look around in my room. I shot a few short glances up on the vent. As long as they don't think of opening that for some reason it should be fine. I didn't bring my suit to school today because I really had to study in study hall today. And knowing my suit is in my bag is only a distraction. Tony and Steve were still just glancing around in my room. I decided not to risk my spidey suit and clapped my hands to get their attention.

*Why are you here?* I signed.

-Well.....it's kinda a long story, Tony said and while Steve sat down on the bed next to me and Tony took a seat on a small chair I mostly hung clothes on.

-You see.....about 10 years ago we were on a mission, Steve said.

-This is all classified information by the way. So no snitching to your aunt or friends, Tony said a bit serious.

I nodded and waited for them to continue.

-Our mission was to simply free and save prisoners and destroy the HYDRA base they were being kept in, Steve said.

-But we didn't find any prisoners

-Except one. There was a three-year-old kid there. HYDRA had been experimenting on him.

I don't know why. But as Steve Told me that I felt the hair in my neck rise a little.

-Our first intention was to get the kid to New York and then let the social services take care of him, Tony said.

-But things didn't go as planned. Tony and Natasha were the first ones to get way too attached. But the rest of us soon followed.

-So he lived with us for about a year and.....

*Why are you telling me this?* I signed after I almost asked that out loud to them.

-Does the name SM-42 ring a bell? Tony asked.

I shrugged back a little as my spidey sense stoke like a lightning flash throughout my whole body. Not that I knew why. It didn't sound that familiar why would it?

*No, not really. Why?*

-Cause the boy that we saved from that Hydra base name was Peter. And before that HYDRA called him SM-42. Plus Peter could crawl on walls.

I felt myself tense up from nervousness. They can't know about it....can they?

-Why are you here? I asked and didn't realize I said that out loud.

The sound of my voice obviously surprised both Tony and Steve since they shrugged back a little. I covered my mouth in embarrassment since I usually don't talk around strangers.

-We came for you


I was planning on wearing my Captain America onzie until my school opens again.


Today I was eating sushi and dipping some of it in soy sauce.

Guess who spilled soy sauce all over the Cap onzie?

Yeah it sucks -_-

We Got YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora