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I said goodbye to Wade and went inside May's apartment. May was talking to Steve and Tony about something. They all fell silent as they heard me close the door. All of them glanced down on the yellow jacket in my arms.

-Who was that? Steve asked.

*Oh just a friend of mine who dropped off my decathlon jacket* I signed

-You're in the decathlon team? Steve asked.

*I'm the vice president. My friend MJ is the president* I signed and sat down, hanging the jacket on the chair.

-That's great! Have you been to any decathlon debates yet?

*Yeah. We went to Washington once*

-Yeah but that was not really a usual Washington field trip, May said.

-Why not? Tony asked.

*There was a bomb that went of when we visited the Washington monument*

-Thank god spider-man was there to help your friends, May said.

-I think I've heard about that, Steve said and shot me a glance.

-Yeah me too. That web crawler sure did a great job. Saved a lot of people that day, Tony said and looked directly at me.

I wanted to thank him since I knew that was a compliment. But May was close and she didn't know about me being spider-man. So I just smiled and nodded a little.

......three days later.....

-No way! Ned said amazed.

We were having our DnD session at Wade's since his parents weren't home and wouldn't mind us screaming because of DnD bosses. We had taken a food break and that's when I told them about Tony and Steve

-Yeah and I have no idea what to do! I said feeling my anxiety rise within me.

-How do you know what they're saying is true? MJ asked.

-Why would they come to my apartment if it wasn't? I asked.

-I don't know. You're pretty much a genius. Maybe you got their attention, MJ said.

-So much so they want me as a kid?

-You are pretty awesome Peter. It's just you who doesn't see it, Wade said.

I blushed and hid behind the DnD book Ned had. MJ smirked and poked me with her elbow.

-But what am I supposed to do? I don't wanna leave May. But I do wanna know more about my background.

-But they're not your biological parents, Ned said.

-No. But they still know more about my past than I do.

-So you only want to hang out with them to know about your past? MJ asked.

-No! But also yes. They were extremely nice and I've idolized them for as long as I can remember.

-But why do you assume you have to live with them?

-They a-....

-Yeah you told us. But what if you just spent your weekends there, go there after school or something.

-Hm....I don't know. They seem like they really want me to live with them.

-Yeah but you gotta do you Pete, Wade said.

-Maybe you're right, I said.

-Alright so who wants to fight a demon lord!? Ned asked and grabbed the DnD book he was using.

-Me!!! The rest of us yelled


-Bye guys! Me and Wade waved at MJ and Ned who got into each car to go home.

They waved back and soon they were gone so I was once again left alone with Wade. I sighed deeply as I was still thinking about the whole Tony and Steve thing.

-You alright? Wade asked and put his arm around me.

I nodded.

-Yeah. I just got a lot on my mind right now, I answered.

-Want me to walk you home? You can talk to me and I can listen, Wade said.

-Thanks. I really appreciate it, I smiled.

-Let's go then, Wade said and we started walking.

It was silent between us for a while. I didn't really know what to say. It was just so much. MJ and Ned's advice were good. But I was still unsure. I didn't wanna bother them too much.

-Do you think.....that Steve and Tony would be disappointed if they really knew me? I asked.

-They're captain America and Iron man. If they have any brain cells at all. They will totally love you.


-Hey want some advice?


-Don't overthink it. They came for you and if you're not comfortable with them you don't have to be their son. You don't even have to be their friend.

-But they.....

-Peter I absolutely love you for your selflessness but you have to at some point think about what you want. If you don't wanna live with them then don't. They don't seem to be forcing you. And if they do I'll kick their asses.

-They're the earth mightiest heroes, I said.

-And? If you need saving I'll come.

I blushed harder than I've ever blushed before. To not overload, I grabbed my shirt and tried to get the blushing under control. Wade noticed my sudden silence and glanced down at me.

-Oh c'mon don't pretend you didn't know that! He said jokingly and pushed me playfully which made me relax.

-You know....you can come to me too, I said not making eye contact.

-I know. We can come to each other. Deal? Wade said and reached over his hand.

I rolled my eyes and shook it. Wade seemed way to satisfied by that. Which only caused me to give him a playful push back.

-Do you think I should start to like....hang out with them? I asked.

-Honestly....yeah. I mean what harm could it do. If they're assholes you can just stop.

I nodded thinking about it. He was right. I could just start stopping by the HQ and if I don't like it....I can stop. Wade looked at me and as he saw me deep in thoughts he put his arm around me and pulled me closer.

-Hey! It's gonna be fine. And if it's not I always have cheer up cookies at my place.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes at him as he let go of me. Wade's cheer up cookies are half burnt cookies with M&M's forming a smiley. They're only half eatable but the thought and opportunity to tease Wade about his baking is real therapy. Suddenly Wade stopped and I looked at him weirdly.

-This is your place, he said and pointed at the apartment house beside him.

I shot him a short glance before looking at the apartment. Yeah it was my place. But I'm not really done with this walk yet.

-Hey....are you okay with going around the block? I asked nervously and almost considered signing it.

-Sure. There's a SevenEleven close by and I really need some bread! Wade said with a smirk.

-Don't say it like that! I laughed and we continued walking.

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