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I had just gotten changed in an alley close to Ned's house. Now I was walking up the few stairs to the door and ringed the doorbell. The door was soon opened by Ned's mom. I didn't even get a chance to sign hello before she invented me inside.

-Ned and the others are in his room. You can just go up there, Mrs. Leeds said.

I nodded and sent her a smile before I ran upstairs to Ned's room. When I was just outside I stopped and because I heard Wade's voice.

-So this is means "I love you"? He asked

I peeked inside and saw Wade signing "I love you" to Ned.

-Yeah. You're a quick learner, Ned said.

I knocked on the slightly opened door. MJ, Wade and Ned turned to me and smiled.

-Oh finally you're here! Ned said.

-Hi, I mumbled loud enough for them to hear me before I stepped inside Ned's room.

-Man it's nice to hear your voice baby boy, Wade said.

-Thanks, I said and walked over to where the three of them were sitting down on the floor.

-Finally time to build it, Ned said and grabbed the box.

-You guys start. I'll order some pizza, MJ said and walked out of the room.

-Oh....uh....I have to go and....tell my mom not to interrupt our lego building, Ned said and followed MJ.

Now me and Wade were all alone in Ned's room. It didn't really turn awkward. Me and Wade are still pretty good friends. As long as he doesn't throw one of his comments at me. Slowly I grabbed the box and looked at the front picture.

-So I didn't see you after lunch at school. Didn't run into Thompson did you? Wade asked.

-No, he stayed away. I think. I'm kinda used to hiding from him so I don't know if he was actually staying away or if I was just good at hiding, I answered and opened the lego box to just take out the pieces.

-You know you can just call me if you need help

-Kinda hard to do that when I don't got your number.

-Do you want my number? Wade asked.

Crap....I didn't mean to flirt. It just came out naturally. But I mean....I did want his number.

-Why are you so red? Wade teased.

-Um....w-well....uh....Let'sjustexchangenumbers, I said so fast I could barely understand myself.

-Alright, Wade said and pulled up his phone.

I smiled and did the same


Usually the Peter search was something every one of us did on our own. But today's different. Steve had refused to leave my lab, which was a first. And we were never less than five people in my lab. All of us searching like maniacs. Normally I would give it my all not to get my hopes up. But we haven't had this big of a lead in....forever. So my hopes were already through the roof. God forbid this being anyone else than Peter. If it is the others will have to throw away all the alcohol in the tower and lock me up. Because a disappointment like this potentially could be, could get me back to drinking. God knows what would happen to Steve if this is a dead end. Can't let that happen.

-Your coffee, Clint said and handed me a mug.

I glanced down at it and then at the red bull can Nat gave me earlier. Before the thought in my head had even entered Steve grabbed the red bull can and drank what was left. He knows me too well.

-No, he just said.

I rolled my eyes and drank my coffee as I continued to search.

-Alright guys what do we got so far? I asked.

-He hangs out in Queens. Probably lives there, Scott said.

-He is a teen. Kid accidentally said it when the media approached him after a fight, Nat said.

-Ha! I beat all of you. How about his face? Bruce said and turned his screen around.

On the screen a clip was playing of a teenager stepping into an alley and one minute later Spider-man jumping out. Bruce then zoomed in on the teen and soon all of his info appeared.

-Peter Parker. 14 years old. Real birthday unknown. In foster care with May Parker since 10 years back, Bruce read.

-This....this is him. It has to be, Steve said.

I read on the screen again and looked up on the picture. It really is him. This many coincidences is impossible. That kid in the picture must be Peter. Steve turned around to face me. His whole face filled with happiness and hope. And for once....my face was the same.

-Are you two love birds gonna stand there all day or should we go and get him? Nat asked.

I was about to say yes and get the hell out of here.

-I hate to be the party pooper but guys it's 1 am in the morning. Maybe we could wait just a few hours so that we don't show up in the middle of the night to a kid that maybe doesn't even remember us, Clint said.

I checked the time. It was 1 am in the morning. Clint's right. Showing up in the middle of the night will only make things more complicated. I looked up at Steve who just nodded agreeing.

-How about a movie night? Steve asked and left the lab with me.

I nodded since I knew he wanted to watch the old Peter videos we had saved.


So yesterday I had to go back to school and get some materials for my art classes. And me and my friend decided to take our snowmobiles to school. That was fun.

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