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Dinner had been served and we all sat around a looong table. I sat next to aunt May and Mr. Barton. He was actually really nice. When I asked him about how he taught me to sign he didn't seem to hold back. He started telling me a whole bunch of stories about when I was learning sign. It was great except that he didn't tell me why he started teaching me sign. Soon however everyone had a conversation together about me, as a kid. It's not that I didn't want that. It's just I felt how everyone glanced at me again. Aunt May didn't seem shy at all for the mighty heroes. But I most certainly did. At first when the conversation started I tried to participate with signing. But since I first of all didn't remember much of my childhood and second of all definitely couldn't be heard over all the voices, I gave up. Mr. Barton tried to keep me in the conversation but it didn't really work out. So now I was just pretending to pay attention when really I just wanted to leave. It was so uncomfortable with the avengers. They definitely didn't know much about the person I am today. Everything they've been talking about for two hours has been about the little kid I used to be. Finally I had enough. May was in the middle of a sentence so I turned to Mr. Barton and tapped on his shoulder. He looked down on me and smile.

*I'll go and get some air* I signed.

He nodded understanding and I got up from my seat as quiet as I could and left. When I was out of sight I started running towards the exit. When I got outside I breathed in the outside air like I'd been suffocating for days. It was slightly cold outside but not enough to freeze. After taking some calming breaths I grabbed my phone to see if maybe Wade had texted me. He had. But only memes. I smiled as I looked through some of them. As I was scrolling through the memes I suddenly felt my spidey sense go off. I automatically jumped up in a fighting position just to see dr. Banner.

-Wow kid! It's just me, he said and held his hands up in defense.

I breathed out and relaxed.

-Trying to escape the dinner chaos? He asked.

*No, I just.....yeah* I admitted and looked down on my feet.

-Hey it's fine. Really. I do the same a lot of times, dr. Banner said.

*Really?* I signed with a doubtful look on my face.

-Yeah. The others sometimes talk so much it's hard to get a word in.

I nodded agreeing.

-So what are you doing out here? Besides escaping the wild animals, dr. Banner joked.

We laughed and then I signed.

*I just checked some memes, why did you come here*

-Well....I know a thing or two about feeling awkward during socializing. So I thought I'd come and check on you.

*Thank you*

-No problem.

I smiled and we both looked down on our feet. Feeling the awkwardness after a conversation had ended so suddenly.

-Hey I've got some projects I'm working on in my lab. Wanna go and check it out? Dr. Banner asked and pointed inside.

I nodded and followed him back inside. As we passed by the dining room both of us tried our best to sneak since we didn't want the others to notice us. After a while we soon reached what I assumed was dr. Banners lab. When we got inside my eyes widened. The lab itself was highly advanced and here and there were some papers with formulas, a few whiteboards with calculations and other cool stuff.

-Come I'll show you what I'm working on right now, dr. Banner said and walked further inside.

I followed him to a desk with a whiteboard beside it and a hologram board. Dr. Banner pulled up the hologram so we were inside it.

-Wow, I mumbled.

Dr. Banner glanced at me but didn't say anything. I looked around in the hologram. It was a hologram of some gamma cells. Probably his since there was a lot of human DNA with it too. In one part of the hologram, there were even his brain.

-I'm trying to figure out a way to get the Hulk under more control, dr. Banner said.

I turned around to face him.

*How?* I signed.

-Well I started looking at my gamma cells and....

I listened carefully as dr. Banner talked about his theories of fixing the hulk. He even showed me through the holograms. I also started thinking about how to do it. It's true that the adrenaline causes the Hulk and also "wakes up" the resting gamma cells in his brain.

-What if you could calm your gamma cells in your brain? I suddenly said without thinking much about the fact that I was talking out loud.

Once again dr. Banner looked at me a bit surprised before he ignored it.

-Yeah. But how? He asked

I thought about it for a moment. Then I stepped forward and were about to touch the hologram. But I looked back at dr. Banner for confirmation that I could use it. He nodded and I zoomed in on his brain and on the cells.

-What if you could scan the Hulk's brain when he's not in combat but calm. Compare those brain scans and do a technological nervro brain rewrite? I asked.

-Hm....that could....that could actually work, Dr. Banner said and looked at what I'd created in the hologram.

We starred at it for a while and did a few changes before any of us spoke.

-Hey Pete, are you busy next Monday? He asked.


So I have an art week with my class from home now. That's not really a problem since I can draw, make collage and edit sounds from home.

The problem is that when my desk gets to messy and full of shit I don't clean it.

No I get down on the floor and work. And that's probably fine usually when I only have about 1 hour art class.

But since it's the art week I don't just have 1 hour of art classes at a time. I have 6 hours or more at a time.

And I'm a fricking idiot. So when I sit in an unatrual and uncomfortable position to clue/cut something out, I don't streatch my back and go back to the comfortable position. No I sit like that until my back is basically broken. Then I'm forced to sit up properly

What I'm saying is that....I now have backpains of a 184 year old because I'm stupid

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