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A/N: Happy New Years 🎉

A little depression to start off your year 🤠🤠


Jungkook left before sunset claiming that he didn't want to piss his mom off any more than she already was if she found out that he wasn't home.

So that left Taehyung to stay up all night with his racing thoughts.

You could say the following morning wasn't the most pleasant considering an obnoxious headache decided to accompany his mind that went haywire with scenarios and plans for the day ahead.

He was planning to confront Hoseok.

Needed one last confrontation before he could start moving on.

The headache dulled a tad bit when the blonde was unexpectedly greeted with a coffee cup sitting in the middle of his locker, hugged between a notebook and his god forsaken calculus book.

"What the hell?" He mumbled to himself, taking the cup in his hand. The warmth instantly spread through his cold skin, pushing a soft sigh out of his lips before reading the sticky note stuck to the lid.

Hot choco since u don't like coffee
Feel better :)

A sweater laid behind where the cup sat. It was pretty obvious who it was from but he read the sticky note that was stuck to the front of it.

When will u learn to bring ur own sweaters?
Keep warm :D

Taehyung looked down at himself to see that he did indeed forget to wear something warm. He ignored the butterflies swarming his insides and fought off the smile creeping up his face. It's just Jungkook, Tae.

"Dork." He shook his head before heading to physics, hot chocolate in hand while he snuggled in the junior's oversized sweater.

This is it. This is the moment Taehyung confronts Hoseok.

It's the end of the day and the brunet could see his ex standing next to his car with his new boyfriend, Yoongi-fucking-Min.

Okay, that's not really his name. It's just Yoongi Min but he had to get his point across.

His other friends— Namjoon, Jin, and Jimin— were there too but he couldn't care less.

Taking a deep breath, the youngest senior confidently strode toward the group of males. Jimin caught sight of him and tapped Jin's shoulder, nodding toward the brunet. Once Jin caught on, so did Namjoon who got curious as to why the older's attention was anywhere else but him.

In a matter of seconds, the whole squad was looking at the brunet who stopped right in front of Hoseok.

"I need to talk to you." Taehyung spoke, surprising himself with how composed he sounded.

Hoseok turned his head to look at Yoongi who unclasped their intertwined hands, giving the taller a soft smile— a silent sign to go ahead.

To be quite honest, Yoongi's not a bad guy. Him and Taehyung were actually good friends. It was just that the brunet let his jealousy overpower his thoughts about the shorter boy.

Perhaps he felt guilty.

The four males walked back inside the campus, leaving Hoseok and Taehyung to talk privately.

"Look. After this, I won't bug you about our relationship anymore." The younger senior started off. "If you answer one question. Honestly."

"Ask away." Hoseok gave a reassuring smile, shoving his hands in his pocket and giving the boy his full attention.

Why the fuck does he have to do that to me. Taehyung mentally cursed at how nice the older was even at a situation like this.

"One question." He breathed out. "What was the real reason why you broke up with me? You gave me no valid reason as to why I should move on because I had nothing to improve myself on if I didn't know. You left me in the dark, just like that." He snapped his finger in the air to make an emphasis.

"Our relationship was going great... I thought our relationship was going great." Taehyung voiced out, words dangerously close to a whisper. His eyes started to sting and he wasn't sure if he was on the verge of crying or if it was caused by the cold weather. "We were together for two years, Hobi. Two years. But out of no where, you broke it off."

He didn't get an immediate response. Hoseok's smile was gone and replaced by a sad expression that wrecked Taehyung's heart. None of them broke eye contact. Hoseok would be able to see every emotion that flickered through the younger's orbs. Sadness, betrayal, hurt, confusion.

"Taehyung... I'm sorry." The older apologized. "If you want me to be honest then I'll be honest. Part of the reason was because I started catching feelings for Yoongi. It wasn't right to continue things between you and I when I wasn't 100% into the relationship anymore."

The brunet knew that. He figured that out a long time ago yet he still wanted to hear Hoseok's confirmation.

"And..." He continued but paused just as he was about to start.

"And?" Taehyung bit the inside of his cheek, hating himself for sounding like a brat.

"And because of Jungkook."

It took a moment before the words started registering in his head.

"Jungkook? What does he have to do with this?" Taehyung asked, curiosity overpowering every other emotion.

"He liked- likes you." The older stated like a known fact, making the brunet scoff.

"You don't know what you're talking about." The younger scoffed.

"Oh, don't I? He literally does everything you tell him to do. The boy stares at you like you're the most important being in the whole world. He even agreed to go to prom with you even when it only benefitted you and not him."

"How'd you-"

"It was pretty obvious that you were only going for me, Taehyung." Hoseok smiled, earning a deep blush from the latter.

"Still don't see how he has anything to do with why you broke up with me." Taehyung mumbled, clearing his throat and purposely facing against the wind to cool off his heated cheeks.

"I couldn't handle the jealousy I felt every time he popped up." He knew very well how childish and immature his own reasoning sounded yet Hoseok kept his word about being honest. "I guess that's why I started noticing Yoongi. He'd tell me that nothings wrong about feeling jealous once in a while and his logical nature just attracted me."

"So you're saying..." Taehyung started, having a hard time believing what he was about to say. "We probably would still be together and Yoongi would have never even crossed your mind if it weren't for Jungkook?"

"Yeah. I guess I should thank him, really." Hoseok shrugged sheepishly.

"That's all I needed. Thanks." The younger gave a tight lipped smile before walking away, leaving the other senior in the parking lot.

He was pissed.

He didn't know why but he was.

And he wasn't aware of it, but his angry stomps were taking the short path to the coffee shop.

...Where a certain junior worked.

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